Travis Yoder Medical Fund
Travis Yoder, 23 years old, married to the love of his life Carla Yoder (Beiler), from McMinnville, Tennessee, was injured during a snowboarding trip in Wisconsin.
The impact of the fall shattered his C6 vertebrae, which is in his upper spine. On impact he discovered that he could no longer feel or move his legs. He was brought in to the University of Wisconsin Hospital and health center, and was moved from the ER into Intensive care.
On Saturday Morning he had an early surgery done to the front and the back of his spine. His injuries are severe and we are extremely thankful to God that he is alive. We thank God for that gift even as we grieve the loss of his mobility from the sternum down. He still has the use of his arms, and he has retained partial use of his hands. We praise the LORD for that, and are hopeful that in time he will regain full use of his hands.
Right now, Travis and Carla are recovering and going through rehab and physical therapy. We the Family and Friends are setting up this page to help pay for any expenses that they may have, both for their comfort while they stay in Wisconsin for the next couple of weeks, to help keep up with house bills, for any changes that need to be done to their house in Tennessee and anything that will help with the hospital bills to come.
If you have the Cash App, you can send donations directly to them. Travis’ Cashtag is: $Handmeyourdough
We, the family and friends of both Travis and Carla, are asking for all of the love, Prayers and support of the community and those who know and love them in this hard time. We know we serve a merciful and loving God, and know that he is in control and has a plan through all of this.