Helping a Muslim family in New York
A friend of ours (23 years old Muslim woman from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn) tragically lost both of her parents in the span of the last 24 hours. She was recently accepted into medical school and was set to move next month, and her younger brother has his college placement test this Saturday. She has a younger sister who is 14 years old, and they literally have no one else in New York or the States. They have no contact with their families back home since their parents had access to this info. She is now suddenly left to single-handedly provide for her siblings all while overcoming the shock of her parents' deaths.
This is one of the most heartbreaking situations I've witnessed in my entire life. It is devastating to see a 14-year-old break down from the loss just experienced, It shattered my heart into a thousand pieces. I can't imagine what they are going through right now, but all I know is that they need any help that can be provided. Please be generous, and pay it forward. We are incapable of imagining this type of loss, because it is unworldly, therefore I simply request of everyone to keep them in your prayers
They have so much more to deal with, and the least we can do is be there for them whole heartedly.
More details on the case of their parents can be found in the article linked below: