Tricia Young was a single mother of 6 who spent her days as a teacher helping her students and a devoted mom who often worked many other side jobs to pay for her kids expenses. On May, 23 2021 Tricia was taking her 2nd to youngest child to work when a woman in her 20s ran a stop sign killing Tricia(my mom) on impact. Her son sustained injuries but is living. Tricia left behind 6 children. The two youngest are still in school. Tricia’s family would like to hold a funeral to honor her life but unfortunately need help paying for after death expenses. Because she was a single mom, Tricia left big shoes to fill so Tricia’s family is asking all of her friends and loved ones or anyone who can to help us pay for funeral expenses and assist with the expenses and life of her two youngest children as they are still in school. The money will be going to her oldest child Nashae Young which she will use for funeral expenses and other expenses we have acquired.Thank you for your support.