Trivia Tower: All-Stars Donation Drive!
Donation protected
On Monday, October 17th at 8pm Central the greatest minds from around the video game industry will compete in game trivia. They will all be competing for a charity of their choice and the last person standing will win the full donation pool from this GoFundMe drive. 100% of the donations from this drive will be deposited into the charity of their choice.
Now GoFundMe is specific about this kind of thing, so you should know if the charity/nonprofit is not in GoFundMe's system for a direct deposit then the money will technically be deposited into the MinnMax bank account and then 100% will be transferred to the charity of the winner's choice. You can watch the competition happen live on MinnMax's YouTube channel right here - https://youtu.be/GXo9ZqRW2hs
Here's a list of the competitors and the charities they're competing for...
Jesse Vitelli/Prima Games - New York Transgender Advocacy Group - https://www.nytag.org/
Vincent Caravella/Nextlander - Rescue Dogs Rock - https://rescuedogsrocknyc.org/
Ash Parrish/The Verge - Mike Fahey’s Family Fund - https://www.gofundme.com/f/fahey-family-fund
Meghan Sullivan/History N' Games- St Jude Children’s Research Hospital - https://www.stjude.org/
Ty Galiz-Rowe - Uppercut - American Society for the Prevention of Suicide - https://afsp.org/
Megan Farokhmanesh/Wired
Abortion Care Network - https://abortioncarenetwork.org/
Danielle Riendeau - Trans Lifeline - https://translifeline.org
Krysta Yang/Kit and Krysta - https://www.poundpuppyrescue.org/
Danny O'Dwyer/NoClip - North Marin Community Center - https://www.northmarincs.org/
Carolyn Petit/Kotaku - Transgender Law Center - https://transgenderlawcenter.org/
Riana Manuel/What's Good Games - Rise Above the Disorder - www.youarerad.org
Jill Grodt/Indie Informer - East Bay SPCA - https://eastbayspca.org/
Dan Ryckert/Fire Escape/Giant Bomb - Brain & Behavior Research Foundation - https://www.bbrfoundation.org/
Blessing Adeoye Jr./Kinda Funny - Black Girls Code - https://donorbox.org/support-black-girls-code
Marcus Stewart/Game Informer - Orlando Dream Center - https://www.orlandodreamcenter.com/donate
Jared Petty/Limited Run Games - Electronic Frontier Foundation - https://supporters.eff.org/donate/join-4
Tamoor Hussein/Giant Bomb/Gamespot - https://ablegamers.org/
Steve Bowling/Good Vibes Gaming - St. Jude Children's Hospital - https://www.stjude.org/
Kat Bailey/IGN - Trans Lifeline - https://translifeline.org/
Imran Khan - Transgender Education Network of Texas - https://www.transtexas.org/
Michael Huber/Easy Allies - American Cancer Society - https://donate3.cancer.org/
Kyle Bosman/Delayed Input - Lifewater Canada - https://lifewater.ca/
Jeff Grubb/Giant Bomb - Apraxia Kids - https://www.apraxia-kids.org/
Samit Sarkar/Polygon - Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance - https://ocrahope.org/
Ben Hanson
Minneapolis, MN