Trout Unlimited Restoration Effort
Donation protected
Support MGFC of Trout Unlimited Restoration Efforts!
River restoration projects conducted by Mason-Griffith Founders Chapter of Trout Unlimited (MGFTU #001) have led to habitat improvements in multiple sections of the Upper Au Sable River and the West Branch of the Big Creek over the last 10 years. The success of these projects has been demonstrated through pre- and post-restoration surveys showing an increase in both insect populations (fish food) and fish populations (greater survival, higher numbers and larger fish).
MGFTU projects have been funded through grants received and the generosity of donors and supporters, either through buying annual tickets, attending and supporting banquets or individual donations. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MGFTU was not able to raise funds through in-person gatherings and needs your donations more than ever to support future projects.
Join us! help us! to continue our efforts! All donations will go toward ongoing and future projects, such as the USGS stream gage and temperature monitor on the Upper Manistee, temperature gages at Smith and Chase bridges on the South Branch, our ongoing youth program in the Grayling Middle School or the 2022 project highlighted below.
You can be part of the 2022 project to “Energize the East Branch” in the heart of Grayling, Michigan. This project is the first step in realizing the long-sought goal of a family friendly fishing experience for the Grayling Community and its visitors. Ultimately, this project will enhance the natural trout angling opportunity on the East Branch Au Sable River and offer a close by escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. A place where residents and visitors can enjoy a family experience and enjoy the beauty and sounds of nature.
To learn more about this project how your donations will support Mason-Griffith Founders Chapter of Trout Unlimited view the video below. Our goal is to raise $35.000. All donations will go toward ongoing and future MGFTU projects to preserve, restore and improve branches of the Au Sable and Upper Manistee Rivers.
Information on past projects can be viewed here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fd39413d09a3362b460755e/t/6050e69231351f594243efc9/1615914648335/Final-Flyer-2021.pdf
or you can contact MGFTU with questions at info@masongriffithtu . org
Organizer and beneficiary
Trout Unlimited Mason Griffith
Grayling, MI
Karen Harrison