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Trygve Blixt family fund

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Trygve Blixt passed away tonight (Saturday, September 14th) in a tragic accident.

To know Trygve was to love him. That may sound like a cliche, but I can't think of anyone that knew Tryg that would disagree with that statement. Trygve was always the life of the party and was universally loved. He loved life, he loved his family and he left us way too soon.

Trygve and his wife Mariah have a young son Magnus and are expecting another addition to their family very soon. Today was their baby shower and should have been full of joy and expectation. Sadly it ended in unimaginable tragedy.

There will be many expenses in the near future for Mariah, Magnus and their new son/daughter. I started this fund to help offset expenses for any funeral related costs and to help a young family deal with the loss of their primary bread-winner.


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Ben Pedersen
Vancouver, WA
Mariah Blixt

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