TSQ Project 2.0
The story of TSQ Project (Times Square Project) begins with Jena VanElslander—a Broadway Performer (King Kong), Creator, lover of the Theatre and Performing Arts community, and of New York City.

When COVID hit, Jena joined the Broadway Relief Project making PPE for the front lines. She'd walk through Times Square three times a week en route to Open Jar Studios (Broadway rehearsal studio turned PPE factory), passing by the empty theater spaces that once housed hundreds of theater workers and audiences. The scene was devastating. What was once the centre of the world; a vortex of energy, imagination and endless dreams now stood empty, dark, and lifeless. She knew she had to do something, something to breathe life, energy, and HOPE back into NYC.
And so, TSQ Project was born.

Over the course of 5 months and 14 performances, TSQ Project grew from 2 people (Jena and Randy ) to 50 artists dancing to "NY, NY" in Times Square for what they called "The FINALE ". Collectively, TSQ Project has involved a total of 109 performing artists and brought hope and inspiration to all corners of the world amidst the global pandemic.

Jena knew this was not the end.
Knowing yet another summer would find artists without work, hungry to share their gifts and creations from the past year of lives turned upside-down, and audiences eager for live performance, Jena's vision of TSQ Project started to expand.
TSQ Project 2.0 will be a live Broadway-type variety show beginning May 15 in Times Square, hoping to span the summer months. It will be amongst the first live performances in New York City, helping pave the way for the curtains to rise again on Broadway.

Your support will help keep TSQ Project alive.
As we prepare for a summer of shows, it is our goal to provide artists some financial relief during this time, while entertaining audiences in the heart of NYC. Your donation of any kind will help support our artists and ensure a full summer of beautiful, live performances.
Follow @tsqproject for updates, featured artists, and show live-streams! #tsqproject
With love and hope,
TSQ Project Team