Johan's Green Card Fund
It is very embarassing to make a plea like this, but we are in a position right now where I see no choice but to reach out to my community for help. As you all know, Johan and I are expecting a baby in April of 2016. Johan's current visa is to study in the United States so he does not have legal clearance to work here. If he gets caught working under the table he will get deported for 15 years, which is a risk we cannot take with a little one on the way.
Our initial plan when we got pregnant was to move to Sweden since they have far better benefits for families such as 18 months paid maternity leave and free health care. However the visa application process is taking much longer than anticipated and it now looks as if we will be having the baby here in the states.
Currently with my job as a veterinary technician I do not make a living wage and I am supporting two people and a cat. Additionally I have medical bills from a surgery I had to have three years ago, as well as student loans. The cost of Johan's green card application is $1,600. It has been next to impossible to save any money given how incredibly strapped we are.
Once we file the application it will take a minimum of three months for him to be cleared to work. Being married to a U.S. citizen does not automatically impart citizenship or even a green card, you still must pay and apply. I see no way that I will personally be able to come up with the funds to pay for his application in time for him to be able to start working before the baby is born.
As I am running out of time and see no other options at present I am asking for help with the fee of his application plus a small amount to put in savings so that I am able to take some maternity leave after the baby is born. What we need is a little help so that we are able to support our family ourselves. Thank you so much for any assistance you are able to offer us right now.