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Tupac the baby cat

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My name is Wren and my dear friend took in an abandoned kitten a few days ago. Her son named him Tupac and he settled in beautifully become firm friends with his big brother Gizmo.
But it quickly became clear that Tupac is poorly. He has a temperature, he's not eating or going to the toilet, he's wobbly and lethargic.
He's had an antibiotic jab, some special food and already the very bill is over £100. He needs a further course of antibiotics and potential hospitalisation of he doesn't improve quickly.
My dear friend has no spare cash, and she's desperately trying to raise funds, but she'll never manage it alone.
Please, of you could spare a little, she would be eternally grateful and this little cat's life could be saved
Thank you xxx


Spenden (3)

  • 45 Rowleys mill
    • £5
    • 11 mos
  • Philomena Graham
    • £5
    • 11 mos
  • Lucy Hastings
    • £5
    • 11 mos
Werde einer der ersten Unterstützer

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