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Edith's Medical Fund

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Edith is a wonderful human being. As a nurse for the past 22 years, she has taken care of so many patients - elderly patients with dementia, children with disabililities, accident victims, you name it, she's done it. The family of one of her patients once said "Edith's presence has no doubt prolonged our father's life. He loves her dearly and looks forward to her bubbly presence everyday". Edith is the definition of a GIVER. She will give up her last cent to help a stranger in need. She will give her time and energy to make someone's life better. Always running to the aid of others. That's the kind of woman, sister, mother and friend she is.

A week ago, Edith suffered a massive heart attack and is currently in the Intensive Care Unit at a trauma center in New Jersey fighting for her life. Right now, she is in a coma and recovery is expected to be very slow. Her medical bills are piling by the day and she needs all the help she can get. A donation of anything at all, large or small, would be greatly appreciated and put towards her medical bills. Thank you for your donation, thank you for your prayers and thank you for your words of support and kindness.


  • Mame Saah
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Edith Amu
Paterson, NJ

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