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Twin Falls Islamic Center for Muslim Cemetery

Tax deductible

Assalamu Alaikum, brothers and sisters, we require your immediate help and generosity. The biggest problem that we face is that cemeteries in twin falls are owned by non religious business owners who profit off of someone’s death, the owners of these cemeteries are charging a lot of burials, land, etc. INSHALLAH we want to put an end to that and make the funeral and burial process as simple and affordable as possible.


So, we found land to buy and build Twin Falls Muslim Cemetery, but we need funds to pay for the land. Every community in twin falls already has contributed, but we still need to raise more because we are short of funds, so again we require your brothers and sisters immediately help, for buying and build Islamic Cemetery and we accept that this cemetery will cater the generations of muslims many years, the words you will have an opportunity to leave behind in the form of a legacy of us, we are hoping INSHALLAH that you will cherish this opportunity with your generous donations.


So again, Please brothers and Sisters in generosity, donate, your donation will also count towards Sadqa Jariya, and your donations will also help us buy the bricks and other materials, to build wash rooms.


We are hoping that you will take and cherish this donation INSHALLAH, volunteers who have been dedicating their time to make this cemetery a reality for so many years.


It was narrated from Abu Hurayah L Radi Allahu Anhu that the Messenger of PROPHET MUHAMMED SAW said: “Allah saud ‘ spend o son of Adam and I shall spend on you”


Bosnian Translation:

Allahov Poslanik SAW rekao je daje Allah slavni i Uzviseni Kaze trosite za Sadaku sine Ademov ‘ ja cu trositi na te


Narrated ‘Adi Bia Hatim heard the PROPHET MUHAMMED SAW saying: “save yourself from hell fire even by giving half a date fruit in charity”


Bosnian Translation:

Pričao, Adi Bia Hatim čuo je PROPHET MUHAMMED SAW kako govori, spasite se od paklene vatre čak i dajući pola hurme u Sadaku u
dobrotvorne svrhe”


May Allah guide us and help us in accomplishing our mission INSHALLAH.


Bosnian Translation:

Neka nas Allah vodi i pomogne u ostvarenju naše misije INSHALLAH


Jazakallah from Brother Fikret Karahasanovic and other Muslim community

Bosnian Translation: 

Eselamu Alejk Braco, i sestre trazimo vasu neposrednu pomoc i velikodusost Najvece problems kojim se suocavamo trenutno je da groblje u Twin Fallsu je vlasnistvo privatne organizacije koji Profitiraju od necije SMRTI, vlasnici ovih groblja napla cuju OGROMNU veliku svotu
novca za zemlju i servis oko dzenaze. 

AKOBOGDA zelimo tome stati na kraj i uciniti postpak dzenaze jednostavnim i pristupacnijem. 

Dakle nasli smo zemlju za kupovinu i izgradnju mulslimaskog groblja u Twin Fallsu ali potrebna su nam sredstra za placanje i izgradnju
mezarja i gasulane.

 Svaka osobo u Twin Fallsu su vec donirali vise puta. Ali jos uvijek moramo prikupiti vise jer nam treba jes novca nam za isplatu,
izgradnju mezarja i gasulane. Prihvatamo da će ovo groblje opskrbiti generacije muslimana dugi niz godina, riječi koje ćete imati priliku ostaviti u obliku naslijeđa nas, nadamo se INSHALLAH da ćete cijeniti ovu priliku svojim izdašnim velikodusnim donacijama.

Nadamose AKOBOGDA da ce te doniradi velikodusno dabi se ovaj INSHALLAH projecat zavrsio. Mi imamo znaci dobrovoljce kojl ce
odrzavati mezarje.

Dakle, molim vas, braćo i sestre, velikodušno, donirajte, vaša donacija će se takođe uračunati u Sadqa Jariya, a vaše donacije će nam takođe pomoći da kupimo cigle i druge materijale za izgradnju gasulane.

Jazakallah od brata Fikreta Karahasanovića ispred Bosanskog Naroda Twin Fallsa, i druge muslimanske zajednice


  • Anonymous
    • $5
    • 3 yrs
  • Yazan Alnsour
    • $200
    • 3 yrs
  • Halid Hasic
    • $500
    • 4 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $15
    • 4 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 4 yrs


Islamic Center of Twin Falls
Twin Falls, ID
Islamic Center of Twin Falls Inc

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