Twin Towers Forever
Donation protected

EXTRA EXTRA !!! EXTRA !!!! I'm proud to announce that the 6 meter tall project has been formally started.

And with an expanded program/scope. It's now going to be 8.5meters in height and will be devoted mainly to cultivating endangered mushroom spawn. Then the surrounding gardens will become the mushroom growing areas https://www.mycolove.farm/ .
This as the land is now shaded by criminal development. Further, it is now surrounded by a 1,000 gallon rain capture reflecting pool / fish pond with an additional 1,000 gallon pressure head storage via the lower third of the towers. AND believe it or not! others ( Osama Bin Laden ?! for real ) are now Rebuilding the Towers ! as can be seen when you search "Twin Towers" on GOFUNDME.com ...!
But I digress ..and so ...as previously ......and always accepting Donations :
Hi, I'm Ross Muir: Designer, Architectural Engineer and Migrating Bird !
I'm raising funds to rebuild the Twin Towers in various sizes and locations. And to be used as Eco-Hospitals in a vertical gardening type form factor. The world's people want to remember the towers for the iconic marvels they were regardless of 9-11. Further, the design of the Twin Towers is the most efficient use of vertical volume for any building to date. And forever into the future. So it is a certainty that towers will one day be built following the Twin Tower's design precedent. The only question is when they'll be rebuilt and re-purposed not as office space but for efficient farming , micro-climate / species / habitat / specialized soil spaces among other uses.
Think of them as Eco-Hospitals.
As the template for Modern Environmentalism architecture the towers used in the aforementioned way are the first buildings which are not Nature Destructive, or merely Nature Neutral, but NATURE ADDITIVE.
I already have one site committed to constructing ( roadside ) 6.5-meter tall towers ( see 1st photo below) to be used as mushroom farms with mushrooms growing inside. Another ( roadside ) 4-meter tall version ( see 3rd,4th photos below) is likely to be built in another location for wild beehive habitat and water reservoir use. These projects will adopt the same tubular base heavy / light top as the original towers. I have successfully completed many extraordinary projects using hybrid concrete, CLT ( cross laminated timber ) and aluminum. These towers will be formed in the wonderful concrete construction tradition of the 20th century and be true to scale. Further, I'll be making construction documents with structural calculations for myself and VIP donators to use in other projects worldwide. Lastly, the money is mainly used to construct the first 6.5-meter twin towers for which the land has already been donated. When the 20K USD goal is met it will be between 1-2 Years for construction to be completed. The first concrete pour is a non-topsoil invasive bedrock leveling base where subsequent tower pours will be completed. This requiring 3 pours per tower and using kangaroo scaffolding just as was done on the original towers. And If all goes well in a few decades the original WTC site will feature twins of a larger size ( housing the existing memorial ) featuring: a rooftop sequoia forest , rooftop lake, plaza level forest , and a total of some 400 acres of ecological space inside (with full spectrum LED lighting) all in the 2 acre footprint ( see 2nd photo below). Lastly, get a glimpse of this future by watching the documentary "living the change : inspiring stories for a sustainable future (2018) .........

Ross Muir
New York, NY