Tyler Peterson Auto Accident Recovery Fund
My name is Kevin Coyne and I am Tyler Peterson's Step Father. As you may or may not know, Tyler was in a very traumatic car accident on his way home from work Friday night when a driver crossed the center line and hit him. While we are praying for the family of the man who hit him, we are also asking for prayers for Tyler's healing. He is currently at St. Mary's Hospital in the ICU with a Trauma Team taking care of him. He has a significant lung damage, a fractured heel and much internal bleeding. His prognosis is stable right now and we are monitoring it with the team daily. He is able to talk and is in much pain but we are very hopeful he will come out of this in good condition. Our God has shown many blessings to us through this difficult time and we are looking for one more. We are asking for financial help. One thing we do know now is that he will be in the hospital for awhile and out of work for an extended period of time. Any kind of short-term assistance will be woefully inadequate to bridge the gap his family will be left with. I'm starting this Gofundme page to help cover the bills for Ciera, Tyler and Nora over this period. Any questions or updates that you would like can be directed to me directly at the number provided on this website.