Tyrone Anthony Parks aka Yb3rd
Donation protected
Hello today my son was shot multiple times due to domestic violence and unfortunately he did not survive. My son was a father to three beautiful daughters he will sadly be missed. I need all the help I can get to give my grandchildren an opportunity to see their fathers vision of being an artist in music. I never thought I would see this day. I talked to my son everyday he was an artist he went by the name YBR3RD to me he was my Jr. he was a great father to his children and would do anything to give them a smile and a beautiful home. He never left their side and was just getting home from college. From witnesses that I spoke with they all said that he was just concerned about his children. Domestic Violence is something like cancer it can be cured if properly taken care of but if not it can lead to death and that is what this domestic violence situation caused my son and unfortunately he passed away from it. I want to thank everyone that donates whatever they can in advance to help my granddaughters have beautiful music to listen to and remind them of their father and his talent as an artist of music thank you.

Tyrone Parks
Los Angeles, CA