24 Hrs of Wash Park Sufferfest 2016
Inspired by Phil Snyder, this Christmas I will continue with what will hopefully become a tradition. I will set out to run around the 2.5 mile perimeter of Denver's Washington Park for 24 hours. I will start at 12:00 am Christmas morning. I am doing this to raise funds for my friend Tristan McBride. Tristan is a veterinary technician and often has to miss work due to her illness. Tristan has diabetes, with secondary complications resulting in recurrent pancreatitis, kidney disease and seizures. Some days she wakes up in so much pain that she has an inability to work , often to the point where she needs to be hospitalized. This has left her with a growing amount of medical bills. So I am asking you, my friends, to consider helping Tristan with a donation. Running has brought so much to all of us that can, so I hope that running can also bring things to those who can't.