URGENT - Your Donation to ITSAN is Critical
Tax deductible
Save ITSAN - please act NOW so that ITSAN can continue the fight for the entire global TSW community.
We are at the precipice, and without your support, ITSAN will step backward and lose critical momentum. The International Topical Steroid Awareness Network (ITSAN) is very small, but we have extremely impactful projects in the works that need funding now or can't get done. The situation is urgent.
Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome is nothing short of a living hell. This shouldn’t happen to anyone. We deserve an accurate diagnosis and a safer, shorter recovery monitored by supportive and knowledgeable doctors.
By supporting ITSAN, you are helping this dream become a reality.
There is hope of reclaiming life again. There is hope of preventing TSW Syndrome.
TSW Syndrome is thought to affect millions of people worldwide, and ITSAN is the only non-profit charity serving the global TSW Syndrome community.
We can not currently afford to keep our two paid positions for more than two months. We are in the middle of building a TSW Patient Registry, an important project, years in the making, that will fall by the wayside if we can not fund it. We need to cover associated costs ahead, from data analysis to registry management and tech support.
We have never needed this much or had these kinds of costs. Your giving will allow our work to continue.
By supporting ITSAN, you will ensure we don’t lose our seat at the table where decisions are made.
Your donation will immediately impact our level of outreach to TSW sufferers and caregivers in need, as well as our work educating medical providers and stakeholders. Your support will help us attend medical conferences, advocate for patients, and elevate resources on ITSAN.org
By supporting ITSAN, you are fighting with us for safer topical steroid guidelines and patient safety.
Your giving will allow our work to continue. Please see “ITSAN News” on ITSAN.org to learn what we have been able to do with past support and to see our financial reports. We accomplished so much in 2021, but ended in a deficit.
Please do not think that your donation is not needed or is too small. We need you and everyone in the global TSW community to come together and give in any amount you are able. Help keep ITSAN going and change medical history with us! Donate today.