Fundraiser for my dads funeral
I mourn the loss of my father Edwin Romero, he passed away yesterday on August 24 ,2021. He was painting apartments on a lift and was electrocuted by the power lines. Unfortunately my father suffered severe burns and his heart stopped on the way to the hospital and when he got to the hospital . His injuries were so extreme … the doctors could not save him. We are asking for help for the cost of his funeral, anything will help.
Lamento la pérdida de mi padre Edwin Romero, falleció ayer 24 de agosto de 2021. Estaba pintando apartamentos en un ascensor y las líneas eléctricas lo electrocutaron. Desafortunadamente, mi padre sufrió quemaduras graves y su corazón se detuvo de camino al hospital y cuando llegó al hospital. Sus heridas eran tan extremas ... los médicos no pudieron salvarlo. Estamos pidiendo ayuda para el costo de su funeral, cualquier cosa ayudará.