Brave the shave
Donation protected
Hi my name is Jackie and this is my son story
I was on the fence about posting about it. But I know I want to share my story. So I am shaving my hair off to raise funds to get them away and to make memories
This is my story how 3 weeks ago a trip to a&e ended me up in ICU for 2 weeks with Sepsis and pretty much on my death bed and being diagnosed with Stage 4 Non Hodgkins lymphoma (Blood Cancer)
For months I battled with being ill just thinking it was a flu or a bug, occasionally getting night sweats and having no appetite. I went to the Dr's pretty much every week complaining about the pain around my body and a few lumps on the head that they flagged off as fatty tissue. I kept turning up to try and show and tell them I was unwell battling them to get me tested. 2 days before I went to a&e I went into my Dr's and never even got my heart rate tested, if they were to of tested it they would of saw it at 140Bpm which is unbelievable.
I was even referred to haematology and they didn't wanna do a scan cause of my age
I arrived at A&E sweating uncontrollably and with my heart pouncing at 150Bpm. The triage nurse said follow me and that was the start of it. Sepsis was taking over my body. The same night I was diagnosed with my cancer after scans the consultants done.
If I never went to A&E I would of probably died a few days later.
The support I have had from my family, partners family and friends have been unreal! Especially having Lisa Joyce around, she definitely pulled me from my death bed more than once during the 2 weeks on icu. She has visited me twice a day for 3 weeks straight untill I got home on Wednesday this week for a few days. ❤
My body has bounced back remarkably well where dr's and nurses where in shock and i am on the run to start chemo soon!
Losing nearly 6 stone to many I won't look the same and throughout my cancer journey I will change and my body may change aswell, but you know what. I'm up for it. I'm going to kick it's fucking arse! I feel like I've been given a second chance and I'm full steam ahead.
It's important to get checked out. Even if you have to fight for it, if I didn't I wouldn't be here right now.
Every little helps even just your support witch we have had from so many ❤️❤️

Jacqueline Crombie