Winter Survival Fund
Donation protected
Peace My name is NicK King. I’m an interdisciplinary artist and survivor of childhood h*man tr*fficking, d*mestic v*olence, and more. About a year ago, I was displaced by s*xual ass*ult and other forms of IPV. I’ve been left with nowhere but mutual aid and crowdfunding to turn to for my survival. When I was unable to generate donations online, I had to play music outside in freezing temperatures for donations toward my survival. This negatively impacted my health. I am in urgent need of support for my survival through this winter:$3,000 of the funds I am looking to raise are for the necessary supplies to survive the winter with no electricity or gas, as well as, the equipment I need to take advantage of job opportunities I have been offered in order to generate income for myself.
The other $500 is an emergency food fund. I have been surviving on food bank donations for the past couple of months but these resources are not always available due to the ongoing food shortage.
Thank you for reading, sharing, and caring❤️
Peace & Love,
NicK King
Phoenix, AZ