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My name is Bernard I live in Edinburgh. Ii am currently going to raising funds for local organisations in Edinburgh who currently offers support to homeless people on the streets of Edinburgh I feel these people need proper help with the correct outcome that they can get off the streets and have a good life get a job and have a good personal relationship with friends and family in the future that's my goal to give the homeless a better chance at success in life so I am going to continue this fundraising homeless crisis campaign for the near future si can continue to help homeless people I will be donating all the donations to fresh start who look after homeless people who starting out in there new houses I will also donate to the rock trust in Edinburgh who supports homeless people

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  • Catherine Wiseman
    • 5 £
    • 7 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 20 £
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  • bernard maughan
    • 10 £
    • 7 mois
  • donna mcnab
    • 10 £
    • 7 mois
  • Bree Tulloch
    • 10 £
    • 7 mois
Je soutiens


Bernard Maughan

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