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Uncle Jr. (Alan Truax)

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Alan my uncle was a loving person and best friend you can never have, there was nothing Alan wouldn't do for you. He would cheer you up when you were feeling down, he had a way of seeing life and always saw the positive side of things. His laughter was contagious. Although he did not have any children he treated his nieces and nephew as his own. On Saturday June 10 as I was celebrating a graduation I then received the worst news in my life that my uncle has passed from a unexpected heart attack. He had planned the following day to have a bbq with his family everything happened so fast. He was the apple of everybodys eye. Please help us put my uncle to rest. As my uncle would say "life is too short". I will always remember his words of wisdom.



  • Lance Thomas
    • $223
    • 7 yrs


Audrea Gutierrez
Los Angeles, CA

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