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Nepal earthquake relief

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I am raising money on behalf of Beyond Beijing Committee, a Nepali feminist organization whose work is focused on women's reproductive health and rights.  I was able to volunteer at BBC last summer and have maintained a relationship with the organization. All money donated through this page will be deposited into an account run by BBC specifically for the purposes listed below:

Dear Tanya,
Greetings from Beyond Beijing Committee !!!
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, estimates some 2 million women and girls of reproductive age are among those affected – including some 126,000 pregnant women by the April 25 earthquake in Nepal.
Women, girls and children are among the most vulnerable populations in the disaster context. To address their needs, BBC called emergency meeting within network members today. In which three committees were formed: Co-ordination committee, Fund raising committee and Logistic committee. BBC alone with other network members decided to distribute menstrual hygiene and sanitary items to the women and girls of reproductive age group. We also decided to provide sanitary items for the children under the age of 12 months in Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Makwanpur and Bhaktapur districts.

Fund raising committee planned to raise funds through various means, inwhich online donation is also one of it. Since, there is no system of paypal or visa card in Nepal. We are unable to raise funds through online. We believe that it is one of the effective ways for those who are living aboard and desire to help Nepalese women, girls and children in this critical time.

We are planning to do similar like in this website https://www.w4.org/en/ project/emergency-relief-for- victims-earthquake-nepal/. Would you please help us to raise online donation.

Please let us know as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Ruby Shakya
Program ManagerBeyond Beijing Committee
Swayatbinayak Marg, Buddhanagar-10, House No. 24, New Baneshor, Kathmandu. 
Email: [E-Mail ausgeblendet].np      
Check us out on Facebook  Beyond Beijing Committee &

                                          Women's Health and Rights Advocacy Partnership WHRAP-NepalFollow us on Twitter:  Beyond Beijing @BeyondBeiijing
Visit our website: http://www.beyondbeij ing.org


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Tanya Pearson
Mount Tom, MA

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