Tina’s Kidney Transplant
Donation protected
My name is Tina Davis, I am a veteran. I served in the U S Army for 8 years. I was deployed to Desert Shield and Desert Storm. I am now a teacher. I thought 1st grade for 11 years, 2nd grade for 4 years, got sick started dialysis and moved down to PreK3. This was a hard move because I loved teaching 1st and 2nd grade. This is my 2nd year in PreK 3. I realized that I love this grade also, it doesn’t matter what grade I teach, I love being a teacher. It’s challenging I buy a lot of the supplies from my own money and it takes a lot out of me but I wouldn’t give it up. I do dialysis 3 times a week four hours each time, I am exhausted but I get up and go to work every day. I found out I qualify for medicare over a year ago . Now in order to receive medicare I have to pay for those months I qualified for but didn’t use. I owe over $2000 and each month the bill gets higher. Soon as I pay for the insurance I will be able to use medicare and get on a Kidney transplant list for Scott and White. I am looking forward to some normalcy and a kidney. I am asking for help to pay up this medicare insurance bill. Thank you for any help.
Tina Davis
Killeen, TX