Global Service Corps Ukraine Program
Tax deductible
You can make a difference to Ukrainians living in a war zone by supporting Global Service Corps’ (GSC) ongoing efforts to provide support and friendship while assisting Ukrainians in their English speaking skills.
GSC is a 501(c)(3) international service-learning organization serving disadvantaged people since 1993, and now serving Ukrainians affected by the Russian invasion through the Ukraine Program. This Program includes open Drop-in Cafe Conversation Clubs (DCCC) and Ukraine US concerts. GSC would like to expand the Ukraine Program to assist more Ukrainians with their conversational English while providing support and friendship during this time of war.
Since the beginning of this program two years ago, we have accomplished the following:
- Launched 5 DCCC Zoom sessions including 2 young adult student sessions
- Observed major improvements in conversational English skills
- Launched three Telegram channels with the over 340 members on the main DCCC channel
- Hosted 3 online concerts highlighting Ukraine and US performers
- Involved over 600 Ukrainian and US participants in the Ukraine Program
With your help, we look forward to expanding the reach of the Ukraine Program.
GSC International