Un Libro per un Sorriso - Natale al Santobono
Donation protected
"Un Libro per un Sorriso" è un'iniziativa solidale di Artis Suavitas Aps, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Santobono-Pausilipon.
Trasferire l’atmosfera del Natale e la dimensione festiva all’interno di una realtà ospedaliera, come momento di scambio e di dono reciproco di sé all’altro, assume significati nuovi e profondi capaci di generare un senso nuovo della realtà, trasformando i luoghi della degenza in un contesto caratterizzato dal calore della Famiglia.
Con amorevole entusiasmo, l’Associazione “Artis Suavitas Aps” realizzerà un evento dedicato ai bambini dell’ospedale Santobono Pausilipon, cercando di confortare chi, in un momento di festa tanto particolare, è costretto a vivere l’esperienza dell’ospedalizzazione.
L’evento prefigura l’allestimento scenografico di uno spazio concesso dall’ospedale per ricreare l’atmosfera del Natale e infondere gioia e meraviglia.
Un luogo in cui i bambini avranno la possibilità di ricevere doni.
Uno spazio in cui i bambini potranno scegliere in una “libreria speciale” il loro libro preferito.
Un momento in cui la magia del Natale sarà rievocata con la presenza della neve, delle stelle e di un Babbo Natale speciale.
"A Book for a Smile" is a solidarity initiative created by Artis Suavitas Non-Profit Organization. This December, they are joining forces with the Santobono-Pausilipon Hospital Foundation to bring hope and joy to patients and residents.
Transferring the Christmas atmosphere and the festive dimension within a hospital reality, the exchange and mutual gift of self to others take on new and profound meaning capable of generating a new sense of reality. It will transform the hospital's environment into a new context characterized by the warmth of the family.
With loving enthusiasm, the "Artis Suavitas Non-Profit Organization" will organize an event dedicated to the children of the Santobono Pausilipon Hospital, trying to comfort those who, during such a special moment of celebration, like Christmas, are forced to live the hospitalization's experience.
The event will provide a scenographic preparation space granted by the hospital to recreate the atmosphere of Christmas and instill joy and wonder. A place where children have the opportunity to receive gifts and the freedom where children can choose their favorite book from a "special library." A moment where the magic of Christmas will be evoked with snow, the stars, a cheerful Santa Clause, and hope.
"A Book for a Smile" is a solidarity initiative created by Artis Suavitas Non-Profit Organization. This December, they are joining forces with the Santobono-Pausilipon Hospital Foundation to bring hope and joy to patients and residents.
Transferring the Christmas atmosphere and the festive dimension within a hospital reality, the exchange and mutual gift of self to others take on new and profound meaning capable of generating a new sense of reality. It will transform the hospital's environment into a new context characterized by the warmth of the family.
With loving enthusiasm, the "Artis Suavitas Non-Profit Organization" will organize an event dedicated to the children of the Santobono Pausilipon Hospital, trying to comfort those who, during such a special moment of celebration, like Christmas, are forced to live the hospitalization's experience.
The event will provide a scenographic preparation space granted by the hospital to recreate the atmosphere of Christmas and instill joy and wonder. A place where children have the opportunity to receive gifts and the freedom where children can choose their favorite book from a "special library." A moment where the magic of Christmas will be evoked with snow, the stars, a cheerful Santa Clause, and hope.
Artis Suavitas Aps