Una speranza per Antonio - A hope for Antonio
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Il nostro bambino Antonio è nato il 7 agosto di 2019 a Londra. È arrivato come un miracolo, tutto era perfetto come in un sogno fino alla maledetta notte del 9 settembre 2019 in cui, a poco più di un mese dalla nascita, abbiamo rinvenuto il nostro bambino senza respiro e in arresto cardiaco nella culla dopo che la mamma lo ha allattato e messo a dormire. Portato in ospedale, è stato rianimato ma i medici sostengono che il bambino sia stato circa 40 minuti senza ossigeno. Trasferito immediatamente all'ospedale pediatrico Great Ormond Street, dove è stato ricoverato in terapia intensiva per circa un mese. Inizialmente considerato senza speranze, il nostro piccolo Antonio ha dato segni di ripresa. Ciò ci ha spinti a lottare per lui e non arrenderci. L'ospedale di Londra, poiché lo considerava senza speranze, voleva staccare il respiratore e lasciare che il nostro bambino morisse. Ci siamo opposti e, grazie al prezioso aiuto del Bambin Gesù di Roma, del Consolato Italiano a Londra, del Governo Italiano e dell'Aeronautica Militare, siamo riusciti in tempi record, con un volo di Stato a trasferire il nostro piccolo miracolo in Italia. Al Bambin Gesù è stato accolto e curato con amore e professionalità, non sappiamo dire a parole quanto siamo grati a tutti loro per il loro meraviglioso lavoro! Antonio è stato sottoposto ad un intervento di tracheotomia e PEG per l'alimentazione. La nostra avventura è proseguita fino alla data odierna, prendendo direzioni inaspettate: siamo giunti in Emilia Romagna e, con il supporto del meraviglioso team di pediatri e dell'ospedale che ci ha accolti e del centro iperbarico che ci ha presi in carico, stiamo continuando la nostra lotta per la vita di Antonio. Il covid-19 ha rallentato tutto, ma non ha mai spento le nostre speranze. Noi siamo fermamente convinti che ciò che stiamo facendo porterà nostro figlio al risveglio alla vita. L'essere divisi tra due paesi ci sta penalizzando non solo dal punto di vista umano e emotivo ma anche finanziario. Malgrado tutto ci ritroviamo a dover chiedere aiuto e un supporto per riuscire a sostenere Antonio in questa battaglia per la vita. Vi preghiamo con il cuore in mano di aiutarci con donazioni e condivisioni, solo grazie al vostro aiuto potremo avere la serenità per poter realizzare il sogno di riabbracciare nostro figlio.
Grazie di cuore,
La mamma e il papà di Antonio, Ylenia e Rohan.
Our baby boy Antonio was born in London on the 7th of August 2019. He came like a miracle but only one month after his birth we found him not breathing and without a heartbeat whilst he was sleeping. He was resuscitated and rushed to our local hospital where he was stabilized and transferred to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. The doctors said he remained around 40 minutes without oxygen. He has been at the GOSH for approximately one month. He started showing signs of improvement and that's why we decided to not give up on him. The hospital in London thought he was hopeless and wanted to take the ventilation off him but we fought and thanks to the amazing staff of the Italian hospital Bambin Gesù, the Italian Consulate in London, the Italian Government and the Italian Air Force, we finally transferred Antonio to the hospital Bambin Gesù in Roma. There he received all the cures and the love possible. We can't really say how grateful we are toward them all! We are currently in Emilia Romagna as our battle for Antonio's life leaded us here for an experimental treatment. We believe with ALL OUR HEART that he WILL PULL THROUGH with time and thanks to this treatment. We are phisically divided in two different country but united, as family, around our baby boy but in order for us to face all the daily battles with serenity we need some extra support as only Antonio's dad is currently working and it's hard to keep on going with all the expenses we have to face on a daily basis. Any amount of donation regardless how small is greatly appreciated. Please, please help us if you can to give us the serenity to keep on fight to give our son the chance of life!
Thanks with all our heart!
Antonio's mum and dad, Ylenia and Rohan.
Grazie di cuore,
La mamma e il papà di Antonio, Ylenia e Rohan.
Our baby boy Antonio was born in London on the 7th of August 2019. He came like a miracle but only one month after his birth we found him not breathing and without a heartbeat whilst he was sleeping. He was resuscitated and rushed to our local hospital where he was stabilized and transferred to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. The doctors said he remained around 40 minutes without oxygen. He has been at the GOSH for approximately one month. He started showing signs of improvement and that's why we decided to not give up on him. The hospital in London thought he was hopeless and wanted to take the ventilation off him but we fought and thanks to the amazing staff of the Italian hospital Bambin Gesù, the Italian Consulate in London, the Italian Government and the Italian Air Force, we finally transferred Antonio to the hospital Bambin Gesù in Roma. There he received all the cures and the love possible. We can't really say how grateful we are toward them all! We are currently in Emilia Romagna as our battle for Antonio's life leaded us here for an experimental treatment. We believe with ALL OUR HEART that he WILL PULL THROUGH with time and thanks to this treatment. We are phisically divided in two different country but united, as family, around our baby boy but in order for us to face all the daily battles with serenity we need some extra support as only Antonio's dad is currently working and it's hard to keep on going with all the expenses we have to face on a daily basis. Any amount of donation regardless how small is greatly appreciated. Please, please help us if you can to give us the serenity to keep on fight to give our son the chance of life!
Thanks with all our heart!
Antonio's mum and dad, Ylenia and Rohan.
Ylenia Wray