Unchained GIFT Gang 2023
Tax deductible
Help Unchained give kids with incarcerated parents in New York State a special Christmas! We are requesting donations for purchasing gifts chosen by incarcerated parents for their children.
Since we started our annual fundraiser six years ago, Unchained has been honored to be able to give over 100 kids in New York presents on behalf of their parents in prison.
Without this project, many parents would feel helpless, unable to provide for their children at a special time of year, and kids would be left wondering why there are no presents from Mommy or Daddy under the tree. You can help us change that and keep the family ties between children and their parents strong!
The holidays can be a stressful and sad time for families affected by prison, so we aim to support incarcerated parents in their wishes to light up their kids' Christmas morning.
We know that people across our communities continue to struggle financially due to the pandemic, and we are grateful for donations of any size!
Donations are tax-deductible. Join the Unchained GIFT Gang and bring a smile to a child's face this Christmas!
We Are Unchained, Inc