Uncila Makoce: Lakota Food Sovereignty
Uncila Makoce (Grandmother Earth) Week Event
April 18th - April 22nd, 2022
Rosebud, South Dakota
1) Thank you for DONATING and SHARING this Uncila Makoce Gofundme link
2) VOLUNTEER: email [email redacted]
3) For full schedule visit www.essentialfam.org and/or our FB event page
This gathering is a collaboration between Summer Zephier and family, Seven Sovereign Sisters, @essential.fam @sevenvisionstudios @audiopharmacy, @siouxchef, Lakota Small Farms Project, @kindnessgrocerycoop @thekindao various tribal programs and schools, and the Lakota people of Rosebud, SD
May the Creator bless these efforts for Oyate Wicozani Ki Glukinipi- (Bringing Healing to the People)
If you are inspired by food and medicine sovereignty, amplifying indigenous wisdom and culture, alternative economics and alternative building practices, the land back movement, regenerative agriculture, land/water restoration, intergenerational storytelling, art and music, youth media education, and restoring the sacred hoop of life...
1) Thank you for DONATING and SHARING this Uncila Makoce Gofundme link
2) VOLUNTEER: email [email redacted]
3) For full schedule visit www.essentialfam.org and/or our FB event page
This week's events include: A water ceremony, talking circles about healthy eating, plant walks and traditional skills share, meals from Sioux Chef, youth media training, documentary screening of "Voices of the Wisdomkeepers" by Quincy Davis, Intergenerational dialogue, Tree planting with Chief Marvin Littlehawk Swallow from Lakota Small Farms Project, talking circles about alternative currencies and building methods from The Kin Dao, Speakers and Performers: THPO director Ione Quigly, AshEl SeasunZ, Lakota Drum, Rebel Wise, aand Audiopharmacy.
One of our main goals is to strengthen community connection and create a small-scale model of a sustainable and self-sufficient way of food production / consumption as an alternative to disease-producing processed food and corporate-owned big-box stores, as part of a colonial system of imbalance and exploitation. We recognize that what we put into our bodies is a part of the decolonization process and empowerment can happen through reconnecting with the natural systems that have a mutually reciprocal and respectful relationship with Mother Earth.
This gathering will be the catalyst for our longer-term vision: for the creation of a local, self-sufficient Health Food store which we see as a vitally important step towards food and health sovereignty. We intend to show what an alternative can look like and create a space for the community to envision the possibilities that truly meet their needs.
#sevensovereignsisters #landback #lakotanation #foodsovereignty #audiopharmacy #medicinesovereignty #diabetes #sevenvisionstudios #buffalonation #thekindao #essentialfoodandmedicine #liberation