Underlight: Ad Costs
What is this Gofundme for?:
Underlight - A free to play video game, created by Lyra Studios in 1998 - Revived by KoiWare in 2014 and still running today, in collaboration with the OpenUL team.
(Steam Store Page)
(Main Website)
(OpenUL Team)
In order to keep the dream alive, we need new dreamers. What is the best way to get the word out? In this day and age, through Ads on social media.
What is our Goal?: $400.00
The team is reaching out to the Underlight Community for help on the costs on Ads: to help bring in more dreamers. We recently ran a small Ad to test the waters and found that new dreamers immediately signed up and began dreaming within the first few days. With your help, we can expand this campaign and bring in more new player signups.
Who are we?:
Dreamers just like you who want to keep the dream alive. Many of us on the team are either current dreamers of today, or past dreamers from yesterday, when Lyra Studios ran the game, during its prime days. We all just want to keep the torch lit and moving. We all want to share this unique game with others.
How will the money be spent?:
a) Social media Ads
- Facebook will be the main focus, however depending on how much is raised, we may branch out to Google Ads. All funds raised on this Gofundme, outside of clause b) below, will only be for Ads designed to help drive traffic to and, the hope is, generate new player sign-up for Underlight. Once funds are exhausted, the Ad campaign will be completed.
b) License Directive
- As per our license with Brent Phillips, 20% of the total donations received from this Gofundme campaign will be sent to him. This was the same arrangement on our previous Gofundme for the new server campaign.
Why doesn't KoiWare or OpenUL handle the costs?:
In short, KoiWare agreed in the beginning that we would not monetize and only provide Underlight as a free to play model. None of the members on the team receive a paycheck from any of this. We don't even have Ads on our site or sub-sites. We pay for power bill, the ISP, and keep things rolling with our own volunteered time. It is a very time consuming position to be a: Game Master, System Administrator, Level Designer, Software Engineer, Marketing Specialist, Rule Enforcer, Producer, Managing Director. Think about all the roles that need to be played. Its a good thing we all enjoy what we do, or it would be a job =) We do this because we love UL.
Thank you for your time and donation, it is much appreciated! Lets keep the dream alive!!