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Unification of the Korean Peninsula

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It has been 78 years since One Korea was split into two Koreas, North and South. Today, the pain of family separation still continues to plague families in the northern and southern parts of the Korean Peninsula including 7.5 million Korean refugees, who are living in the United States and all over the world. The only Dream of South and North Koreans is Unification without any war of conflicting ideologies. Therefore, the Separated Korean Peninsula should be reunited. My campaign is not based upon ideological or political doctrines but on the notion of "Bread and Freedom", which is the pure essence of human survival. My goal is to suggest concur. 하나의 한국이 남북으로 분단된 지 78년이 지났습니다. 오늘에도 이산가족의 고통은 미국과 전 세계에 살고 있는 750만 명의 한국 난민을 포함하여 한반도 북부와 남부의 가족들을 괴롭히고 있습니다. 남북한의 유일한 꿈은 이념의 전쟁이 없는 통일입니다. 그러므로 갈라진 한반도는 반드시 통일되어야 합니다. 나의 캠페인은 이데올로기적 이거나 정치적 교리에 기초한 것이 아니라 인간 생존의 순수한 본질인 "빵과 자유"라는 개념에 기초하고 있습니다. 내 목표는 동의를 제안하는 것입니다.

The key to peaceful and autonomous unification is the economic revival of North Korea. North Korea must stop immediately developing nuclear weapons and adopt a global free market economic system. Stopping North Korea’s continued nuclear development and threats to world peace and freedom must not involve tightening economic sanctions on North Korea and threatening North Korea with a show of military exercise force…etc. by South Korea and the United States. On the contrary, we should help North Korea adopt a global free market economic system. 평화적이고 자주적인 통일의 열쇠는 북한의 경제부흥입니다. 북한은 즉각 핵개발을 중단하고 글로벌 자유시장 경제체제를 채택해야 합니다. 북한의 계속되는 핵 개발과 세계 평화와 자유에 대한 위협을 막는 데에는 북한에 대한 경제 제재를 강화하고 한미 동맹국 군사력을 과시하며 북한을 위협하는 등의 무력행위가 있어서는 안 됩니다. 오히려 우리는 북한이 글로벌 자유시장 경제 체제를 채택하도록 도와야 합니다.

For more than 40 years, I have dreamed of, “One Korea. Please join me in making a difference in the lives of these separated families through your generous donation via GoFundMeP. It is my sincere hope that you will assist me with my work for [4 Measures for the Unification of the Korean Peninsula]. I am raising funds to benefit New Beginning-Korea, Inc., a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit governmental organization committed to advocating for the unification of Korean refugees, brothers, sisters, friends and families around the world. All your donations will have an impact in promoting the Reunification of the Korean Peninsula and all your donations are tax deductible. All of your donations will have a major impact on promoting the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, and all of your donations will be a great help in promoting the reunification of the Korean Peninsula. Thank you for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me and so many others. 나는 40년 넘게 '하나의 한국'을 꿈꿔왔습니다. Go Fund Me에 아낌 없는 기부를 하여 이산가족들의 삶을 변화시키는 데 동참해주시기 를 소망합니다. 또한, [한반도 통일 4대 방안]을 성취케 하기위해서 니를 도와주실 것을 진심으로 청원합니다. 나는 전 세계 한국 난민, 형제, 자매, 친구 및 가족의 통일을 옹호하기 위해 노력하는 501 (c) (3) 비영리 단체인 New Beginning-KOREA, Inc.를 돕기 위해 기금을 모금하고 있습니다. 모든 기부금은 세금 공제를 받습니다. 여러분의 모든 기부금은 한반도 통일을 촉진하는 데 주된 영향을 미칠것이며, 여러분의 모든 기부금은 한반도 통일을 촉진하는 데 큰 힘이 될것입니다. 나와 다른 많은 사람들에게 큰 의미가 있는 이 모금에 기여해 주셔서 감사합니다.

more information:
Book : Kwang Suh’s 4 Measures for the Unification of the Korean Peninsula (
책 출판 : 서광하의 한반도 통일 4대 방안 (교보문고, 영풍문고, 반디앤루니스, 아마존.컴) 구굴닽컴으로 들어가서 “서광하 교수” 또는 “서광하 박사” 또는 “kwang h. Suh” 라써 넣고 Click합니다.

Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit New Beginning-Korea Inc, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me and so many others.
More information about New Beginning-Korea Inc: To Promote The Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
For more than seventy years, the Korean Peninsula has been divided into the two Koreas. As a young child, Kwang H.Suh and his family fled from North Korea to South Korea, where his family started a new life.
Hunger, isolation, and despair plagued him for years, especially since he lost his father who was wounded and later died after he escaped from the 38th parallel. Living in South Korea with his three older teenage brothers, a newborn sister, and mother, his family courageously faced harsh and grueling challenges to survive in their new country.
Today, the pain of family separation still continues to plague families in the northern and southern parts of the Korean Peninsula.
Kwang Suh has actively engaged himself in the political community of South Korea, advocating for a political solution to the reuniting of Korean families. For more than forty years, he worked for and dreamed of One Korea.
Having studied, worked, and traveled throughout Asia and the United States, Suh outlines in Kwang Suh's 4 Measures for the Unification of the Korean Peninsula a plan that, if implemented, will have a profound impact on the unification between Korean refugees, brothers, sisters, and friends around the world.
It has been 78 years since one Korea was split into two. The only dream of South and North Koreans is unification. Therefore, the separated Korean Peninsula should be reunited. My campaign is not based upon ideological or political doctrines but on the notion of "Bread and Freedom", which is the pure essence of human survival. My goal is to suggest concrete and realistic means to achieve the autonomous reunification of the Korean Peninsula.


Donations (3)

  • Kwang Koog Lee
    • $5
    • 10 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $10
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 1 yr
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Kwang Suh
Louisville, KY
New Beginning-Korea Inc

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