Uniti Contro COVID-1: Aiutiamo Gli Ospedali
Donation protected
In questo momento delicato, il Soroptimist di Sondrio e Chiavenna con gli amici del Rotary Club di Sondrio e il Lions Club International Distretto 108 IB1 Italia - IV Circoscrizione - Zona B, hanno deciso di unire le forze e iniziare una raccolta fondi per l'acquisto di respiratori portatili, guanti, mascherine e altri materiali sanitari necessari al nostro personale ospedaliero per far fronte all'emergenza COVID-19.Le aziende ospedaliere della nostra valle stanno lavorando senza sosta per far fronte all'emergenza ed i nostri club hanno deciso di unire le forze per fornire un supporto concreto a coloro in quali stanno combattendo in prima fila. Uniti possiamo fare una gran differenza. I respiratori, le mascherine e i guanti acquistati tramite questa raccolta fondi verranno acquistati e recapitati negli ospedali di Sondrio, Chiavenna e Morbegno dai nostri membri.
In this very difficult moment, Soroptimist Sondrio and Soroptimist Chiavenna, along with our friends from the Rotary Club Sondrio and the Lions Club International Distretto 108 IB1 Italia - IV Circoscrizione - Zona B, decided to join forces and start a public fundraiser to purchase non-invasive ventilators, surgical gloves, and protective masks. Our healthcare infrastructure is under immense strain and, although our medical personnel keeps tirelessly working to provide the best response to the spread of COVID-19, we are facing a shortage of vital and necessary items that help the doctors and nurses at the forefront of this crisis in their everyday job. Together we can make a difference. Ventilators, gloves, masks,etc will be purchased by our members and delivered directly to the hospitals in Sondrio, Chiavenna and Morbegno.
In this very difficult moment, Soroptimist Sondrio and Soroptimist Chiavenna, along with our friends from the Rotary Club Sondrio and the Lions Club International Distretto 108 IB1 Italia - IV Circoscrizione - Zona B, decided to join forces and start a public fundraiser to purchase non-invasive ventilators, surgical gloves, and protective masks. Our healthcare infrastructure is under immense strain and, although our medical personnel keeps tirelessly working to provide the best response to the spread of COVID-19, we are facing a shortage of vital and necessary items that help the doctors and nurses at the forefront of this crisis in their everyday job. Together we can make a difference. Ventilators, gloves, masks,etc will be purchased by our members and delivered directly to the hospitals in Sondrio, Chiavenna and Morbegno.
Organizer and beneficiary
Martina Spolini
Giuseppina Montecalvo