Donation protected
Hi, we are workers at Amazon ONT8 fulfillment center. We are part of the United 4 Change committee. Amazon workers have been overlooked,overworked and underpaid for far to long. It’s time for Amazon to respect our worth and unionizing will give us the bargaining power to make Amazon respect their workers. Forming a union means that we will have a say in everything from our pay to health & safety conditions at work. We will be able to negotiate better benefits, job security, and raise concerns at work without fear of retaliation. We can also negotiate a contract that incorporates sustainability & social justice into our policies. By unionizing & standing together, we will be able to hold Amazon accountable to a higher standard. Your contribution to our cause will go a long way in helping us workers reach our goal of being able to hold a union vote. Thank you for your support. We are stronger together ✊
You can find us on Instagram @unionforamazon
Fundraising team (3)
Nannette Plascencia
Perris, CA
Carolina Verduzco
Team member
Veronica Kern
Team member