Unity March UK - Moving Forward
Unity was born from the frustration felt at not having our views, the important news and info relevant to the people represented by the mainstream press and a serious lack of organisation and co-operation between the fractured socially thinking groups scattered across the land in relative obscurity.
Our original mission was to act as an info service reporting on and from front line actions the MSM ignored, recruiting our users to be on the spot reporting crews and using our unique volunteer pool - the Unity Warrior Core - to disseminate that information as far and wide as possible.
Within 3 months Unity March UK had become a thriving Indy news portal.
Unity March has been running for approximately four months at this point, our reach, user and volunteer membership grows daily as does the range of causes and ways in which we help.
We have done all this as a loosely organised bunch with zero funding and a lot of commitment, and now have several real world action groups underway as well as a multi-media news and Info hub set for launch very soon!
Unity March heading into the future is our next phase, While Unity may have started as a way for some frustrated people to publicise their protests on social media, it has already grown into something way beyond that, a thing of real and growing social value. This is what we plan and hope for as the future of Unity: to make Unity not only another Indy news portal, but a real world action force for the good of all!
We plan on doing this by continuing to develop our reach and user base via the Indy News side and have already made good ground expanding that brand, with Unity TV already having been launched and Unity Radio coming very soon.
Alongside these features we plan to host and back link to a whole range of lesser known causes and charities, as well as a large and constantly updated community resources bank where info and links on a range of topics can be found. We will also have a unity direct action advice team for housing issues and hope to expand the range of issues we can tackle, in time, to help replace a little bit of what we lost in the closing of the CAB.
We have think tanks working on a range of ideas from city farming to social housing projects and much more. Unity March UK is way more than a news website; we are a force dedicated to social change at a grass roots level!
Unity March is just about to register as a CIC (Community Interest Company) as we have got as far as we can go by sheer will alone, and now need to start to raise funds to enact some of these real world changes.
As such we will be implementing a voluntary monthly subscription charge to our web hub, all content will be free at point of use regardless as we are for all, not the privileged, but anyone who can help to support our aspirations even in a little way please do. Our books will be a matter of public account, our board will be nominated and named as official officers of Unity and all subscribers will be stake holders and have a say via our voting app on how we spend the money we generate as and when new projects arise…like a little referendum .
They say form follows function , so we now need to raise the funds for the legal fees to set up as a CIC. Please help if you can . Much love to all of you .
Prime Directives
* To first and foremost be a source of news and Info in the interest of the people not big business or government
*To constantly develop and add to Unity as our users’ needs evolve.
*To work in constant communication with our members in all large monetary decisions affecting the organisation.
*No more than 30% of total operating budget will be spent on staff wages and costs
*To recruit with focus from the largely ignored sections of society.
Check us out and come join the fight by following the links below!
Unity Action Group:
Unity News Page:
Unity Twitter:
Unity TV: