Universal Inspirations by Bazillionheir
I’m here, totally vulnerable...stepping out of my comfort zone, determined to actually manifest all I can as I choose to finally invest in myself, my talents, and the sweat of my labor of love to create—as nothing can begin without the initial step.
In a desperate attempt to effectively heal from a severely traumatic physical assault in 2014 that nearly destroyed me (which triggered previously unresolved trauma/PTSD from assaults during childhood, an assault from 2009, and then snowballed again from this event in 2014 on through 2018)...I reached for my personal little crystals that I always kept on or near me since childhood, a hammer and a little bit of used copper wire. I literally hammered out the pain. Then something inside of me flickered, became warm and bright, and I was suddenly able to spring forth my personal visions of love, peace, and forgiveness...all manifested into physical matter, and into wearable art. People began to take notice, most of which stating that my art made them “feel” one way or another and that they desired to carry that with them. Soon after, I was selling my personal, handmade crystal jewelry right off my body because I didn’t know how to set personal boundaries at the time to say no. But the wonderful feeling of sharing my positive energy with others grew on me. As did my pursuit.
I’m now creeping up on the three year mark since I first began teaching myself this craft completely by scratch (without a single class to date). I’ve honed and perfected certain little techniques through trial and error that help me stand out from the crowd a bit. I’ve put in the work and effort to create my personal branding and have a small but steady and incredible following on social media. After the first year, when I decided to obtain my EIN number and to function as an actual business, I was blessed to secure a steady wholesale account at a very popular crystal store in the Houston Metropolitan Area where they have regularly kept my products in stock. I also have my pieces selling on consignment in a couple of local boutiques, in addition to participating regularly in local vendor markets and events within the Texas region.
From the very first sale, because I put every penny back into materials, my little business has pretty much sustained itself from the beginning. But because of my most recent decision to pursue this business with greater dedication, and because I’ve been investing in higher quality materials (including the use of sterling silver), my creative and financial venture is temporarily constrained.
My name is Ruth A. Muñiz. My branding is Universal Inspirations by Bazillionheir, handmade crystal jewelry. I’d very much like to step up and expand my knowledge base regarding creative technique, crystal & mineral specimens, and metaphysical applications. I’m ready to devote my time to appropriate classes, to procure the proper tools & machinery for greater efficiency and increased workmanship/quality, and to be able to purchase materials that are most sought after in this market while continuing to grow my brand. Supporting this funding endeavor will encourage that growth and development I describe, and will ultimately allow for this necessary evolution of self. Please & thank you.
With utter gratitude for your consideration (and for reading this, for those of you that did),
~Ruth A. Muñiz
Universal Inspirations by Bazillionheir
Universal Inspirations by BazillionHeir