Unjust arrest due to man faking getting hit
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UPDATE 3-5-20
The lawsuit against the media for Libel and Slander was unsuccessful and dismissed without prejudice. Media's lawyers were able to bring a motion citing media shield laws. So, yes, you can Slander and Libel anyone in Oregon and even yell the old adage "fire" in a crowded theater... as long as you're the media. To top it off, we even get to pay the media's legal fees. Paying for the media's legal right to Slander and Libel you , what else can you say.
As of November 30, 2019 my husband has been forced into defending himself with this unjustly arrest that occurred 14 months ago. Federal and local complaints against the City of Portland and Multnomah County, Oregon have been filed. Along with these filings, Mr. Dickerson has gone forward to include complaints against several broadcast, digital, print and other various organizations who've severely defamed him. These lawsuits are designed to bring change to all parties involved and to see that it doesn't happen again, to anyone. However, the cost is overwhelming and extremely taxing on him and his family's financial and emotional well-being.
We are trying our best to fight back against this injustice. However, the costs are so expensive we are reluctantly asking for help. Every penny will be used exclusively for this cause.
While driving in downtown Portland, Oregon on October 31, 2018, an illegal protest formed on the streets of downtown Portland. With no proper permits filed with the city of Portland, groups of people who are associated with anifa and BLM lined up to block traffic. Mr. Dickerson was unable to avoid these protesters. Unable to turn or backup, he cautiously proceeds on the road as the protesters part ways to allow traffic to flow. As he slowly went by, protesters begin yelling at him and attack his truck. With these distractions, a man purposefully walks backwards into the front of my husband's vehicle - twice during this incident. The first hit, Mr. Dickerson was safely driving on the road at 6 mph when the man walked backwards into his vehicle and making full eye contact while doing so. The second hit, Mr. Dickerson was driving 2 mph - in which he was looking to his right as the protesters were attacking his vehicle. He wasn't aware the man deliberately walked into his vehicle again. Once he noticed the man in front of his truck, he stopped immediately. There were no police officers monitoring or directing the protesters to stay off the streets. Mr. Dickerson left the scene and waited for the Police.
It was during this time he was reminded of the horrific attack of Reginald Denney during the L.A. riots of 1992. Mr. Denney was pulled out of his truck and nearly beat to death. My husband was scared to death. He didn't want to be permanently disabled like Mr. Denney.
After explaining to the Portland Police lieutenant what had occurred, the protesters demanded he be arrested. Initially, the lieutenant told Mr. Dickerson he wasn't under arrest and that he'd seen the whole thing. As the mob of protesters grew louder and angrier, the police told Mr. Dickerson for the safety of the police and for him they were arresting him. He was not informed of why he was being arrested. Not until his initial arraignment did he learn what the DA had come up with for his bogus arrest.
After Mr. Dickerson was handcuffed and placed in the back of the police car, protesters stood outside and threatened his life saying he was "dead". Again, he was reminded of the horrific attack of Reginald Denney as the protesters surrounded the police car.
Damages to Mr. Dickerson's vehicle include scratches from picket signs by the protesters. He was forced to fix damages made to his vehicle and no citations or arrested were given to the protesters who violently attacked him.
The man who walked into his vehicle, Arthuray Dudley filed a false and misleading insurance claim, civil suit and a false report to a peace officer against Mr. Dickerson. To this day, Mr. Dudley has never been charged by the DA's office for these false reports.
Immediately following Mr. Dickerson's arrest, the media convicted and vilified him. Social media has made outrageous accusations and outright lies of what actually transpired based on their slanderous and editorializing news stories.
Pick-up truck driver arrested for plowing into protesters
Joe Tacopino of the N.Y. Post blasted my husband's face all over the media with outrageous emotional and defamation claims that he "Plowed" into protesters.
Oregon Live story of incident
The fishwrap gossip newspaper NY Post betrayed Mr. Dickerson in a very dark light. "Mark Dickerson, 55, was busted Wednesday on charges of assault and reckless endangerment for steering his truck into a demonstration."
Mr. Dickerson did not steer his vehicle into the protesters and there were no police nearby directing traffic.
NY Post
One news source states he "ignored officers' efforts to divert traffic for the protest, held at SW 4th and Main. Instead, he drove his Chevrolet truck into the crowd and hit one protester."
There were no police directing traffic. Also, other vehicles were driving past while the incident occurred.
Portland Mercury slander
Blair Stenvick writes: Mr. "Dickerson ignored officers' efforts to divert traffic, instead he drove his truck into the crowd... "
There were absolutely no officers or anyone else diverting traffic during this incident.
At the arraignment the judge forced Mark to retain an attorney. We were forced to sell his beloved horse, Jackson to offset legal fees as we have spent well over $15,000 defending him.
Please help my husband. We are devastated. He's a law abiding citizen and cares deeply about others.
He is considered "One of the Good Guys;" as he's always there to give a helping hand and his handshake is his word. His arrest and charges have literally crushed him emotionally.
To see a man cry over the loss of his horse and to have his name and reputation smeared ... it breaks my heart. My husband didn't deserve this.
Thank you for reading this.
Janelle Dickerson
UPDATE 3-5-20
The lawsuit against the media for Libel and Slander was unsuccessful and dismissed without prejudice. Media's lawyers were able to bring a motion citing media shield laws. So, yes, you can Slander and Libel anyone in Oregon and even yell the old adage "fire" in a crowded theater... as long as you're the media. To top it off, we even get to pay the media's legal fees. Paying for the media's legal right to Slander and Libel you , what else can you say.
As of November 30, 2019 my husband has been forced into defending himself with this unjustly arrest that occurred 14 months ago. Federal and local complaints against the City of Portland and Multnomah County, Oregon have been filed. Along with these filings, Mr. Dickerson has gone forward to include complaints against several broadcast, digital, print and other various organizations who've severely defamed him. These lawsuits are designed to bring change to all parties involved and to see that it doesn't happen again, to anyone. However, the cost is overwhelming and extremely taxing on him and his family's financial and emotional well-being.
We are trying our best to fight back against this injustice. However, the costs are so expensive we are reluctantly asking for help. Every penny will be used exclusively for this cause.
While driving in downtown Portland, Oregon on October 31, 2018, an illegal protest formed on the streets of downtown Portland. With no proper permits filed with the city of Portland, groups of people who are associated with anifa and BLM lined up to block traffic. Mr. Dickerson was unable to avoid these protesters. Unable to turn or backup, he cautiously proceeds on the road as the protesters part ways to allow traffic to flow. As he slowly went by, protesters begin yelling at him and attack his truck. With these distractions, a man purposefully walks backwards into the front of my husband's vehicle - twice during this incident. The first hit, Mr. Dickerson was safely driving on the road at 6 mph when the man walked backwards into his vehicle and making full eye contact while doing so. The second hit, Mr. Dickerson was driving 2 mph - in which he was looking to his right as the protesters were attacking his vehicle. He wasn't aware the man deliberately walked into his vehicle again. Once he noticed the man in front of his truck, he stopped immediately. There were no police officers monitoring or directing the protesters to stay off the streets. Mr. Dickerson left the scene and waited for the Police.
It was during this time he was reminded of the horrific attack of Reginald Denney during the L.A. riots of 1992. Mr. Denney was pulled out of his truck and nearly beat to death. My husband was scared to death. He didn't want to be permanently disabled like Mr. Denney.
After explaining to the Portland Police lieutenant what had occurred, the protesters demanded he be arrested. Initially, the lieutenant told Mr. Dickerson he wasn't under arrest and that he'd seen the whole thing. As the mob of protesters grew louder and angrier, the police told Mr. Dickerson for the safety of the police and for him they were arresting him. He was not informed of why he was being arrested. Not until his initial arraignment did he learn what the DA had come up with for his bogus arrest.
After Mr. Dickerson was handcuffed and placed in the back of the police car, protesters stood outside and threatened his life saying he was "dead". Again, he was reminded of the horrific attack of Reginald Denney as the protesters surrounded the police car.
Damages to Mr. Dickerson's vehicle include scratches from picket signs by the protesters. He was forced to fix damages made to his vehicle and no citations or arrested were given to the protesters who violently attacked him.
The man who walked into his vehicle, Arthuray Dudley filed a false and misleading insurance claim, civil suit and a false report to a peace officer against Mr. Dickerson. To this day, Mr. Dudley has never been charged by the DA's office for these false reports.
Immediately following Mr. Dickerson's arrest, the media convicted and vilified him. Social media has made outrageous accusations and outright lies of what actually transpired based on their slanderous and editorializing news stories.
Pick-up truck driver arrested for plowing into protesters
Joe Tacopino of the N.Y. Post blasted my husband's face all over the media with outrageous emotional and defamation claims that he "Plowed" into protesters.
Oregon Live story of incident
The fishwrap gossip newspaper NY Post betrayed Mr. Dickerson in a very dark light. "Mark Dickerson, 55, was busted Wednesday on charges of assault and reckless endangerment for steering his truck into a demonstration."
Mr. Dickerson did not steer his vehicle into the protesters and there were no police nearby directing traffic.
NY Post
One news source states he "ignored officers' efforts to divert traffic for the protest, held at SW 4th and Main. Instead, he drove his Chevrolet truck into the crowd and hit one protester."
There were no police directing traffic. Also, other vehicles were driving past while the incident occurred.
Portland Mercury slander
Blair Stenvick writes: Mr. "Dickerson ignored officers' efforts to divert traffic, instead he drove his truck into the crowd... "
There were absolutely no officers or anyone else diverting traffic during this incident.
At the arraignment the judge forced Mark to retain an attorney. We were forced to sell his beloved horse, Jackson to offset legal fees as we have spent well over $15,000 defending him.
Please help my husband. We are devastated. He's a law abiding citizen and cares deeply about others.
He is considered "One of the Good Guys;" as he's always there to give a helping hand and his handshake is his word. His arrest and charges have literally crushed him emotionally.
To see a man cry over the loss of his horse and to have his name and reputation smeared ... it breaks my heart. My husband didn't deserve this.
Thank you for reading this.
Janelle Dickerson
Janelle Dickerson
Portland, OR