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Justice for Madisyn – URGENT! Keep Madisyn safe and stop the abuse/corruption in family court
Madisyn is 14 years old, turning 15 in October and has been living in Alaska for 6 ½ years safely with her father, stepmother, and 4 brothers. Madisyn is an abuse victim. Our previous judge had found that significant domestic violence and abuse did occur in bio mothers home and made rulings that protected Madisyn from further harm from her bio mother and stepfather.
But Madisyn’s bio mother is and has been continuing to abuse and control her through the courts in Arizona to bury the abuse and silence Madisyn completely. Bio Mother became a paralegal to continue her fighting and litigation abuse. Madisyn also has a rogue judge on her case who took over when our other judge left the bench. Judge Andrew Russell is ignoring evidence proving the abuse, ignoring Madisyn, and ignoring 6 other judges in our case and other cases involving children within the same household, 2 different cases of Madisyn’s older step-siblings who had their rights terminated in other cases, one was a dependency action with the state.
Judge Andrew Russell has placed Madisyns life in danger, buried the truth, silenced her voice and gave complete control to her abuser.
Madisyn is beautiful, strong, smart and brave. She needs everyone’s help! She has taken to social media and has gained some support. People are sharing her story and asking how else they can help. This Go fund me is set up to help Madisyn continue to fight for her rights and safety. Madisyns constitutional rights, and human rights are being violated in this case. Please keep sharing Madisyn’s story, donate, call the governor of Arizona and Alaska, and contact state reps, and media outlets. DO NOT ALLOW HER VOICE TO BE SILENCED. STOP COURT CORRUPTION.
On July 22, 2023, my husband was in a head-on collision with our older son in Alaska. The hearing was set to take place on July 24, 2023, in Arizona. A girl had fallen asleep at the wheel and collided with my husband and son. I called the court-appointed advisor on Sunday and let her know he was in no condition to be there or represent himself. He and my son sustained injuries and were in and out of the emergency room. They are both very lucky to be alive. I even emailed the Court Appointed Advisor and the best interest attorney a copy of the emergency room summary.
Judge Andrew Russell out of Maricopa County in Arizona proceeded with the trial anyway and charged my husband in contempt for not attending. Madisyn’s bio mother won everything. Judge Andrew Russell even gave her mother and her attorney the ability to write the final order. This is the same judge who circumvented DCS on the record, told my husband’s attorneys to shut up and called them liars, Refused to allow my husband to submit evidence, is ignoring other judges' findings of abuse, denied my husband due process, Completely bias towards father
Now on top of my husband trying to recover medically from the head-on collision, he also needs to try to appeal this biased/corrupt and illegal judge’s ruling.
We cannot afford any more legal proceedings. We have been fighting in court for 10 years. 6 ½ years on just this proceeding alone. 10 years ago Madisyns bio mother withheld her from my husband's parenting time with her. Madisyns bio mother received a contempt charge for it. We have exhausted all of our finances trying to keep Madisyn safe. We have at one point become homeless, our vehicles were repossessed, and couldn’t afford to provide for our 4 other children all due to the court expenses. We do not qualify for assistance or legal aid in Arizona because we are Alaskan residents. We qualify for legal aid here due to our low income but they can not take on this complex of a case and Judge Andrew Russell is refusing to let go of jurisdiction.
We are asking for everyone’s help to fight for Justice for Madisyn. We need to stop the corruption in the family court. Madisyn deserves to be safe, feel heard, be protected, and heal from this.
Hello my name is Nicole Stark, I am Madisyn’s stepmother and advocate for Madisyn. All the proceeds will go towards helping Madisyn and her father, who has been advocating for her. If you would like to support and help Madisyn fight for justice in her case, Please donate to this fundraiser and share. Every little bit helps and will be used to cover court costs, attorneys fees, travel and other court-related expenses as well as help Madisyn set up for the future.
Nicole Stark
Palmer, AK