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I'm Charles A. Tapp, President of the Potomac Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists.
I'm embarking on an extraordinary journey, and I'd like you to join me. On April 22, Takoma Academy will be hosting its Alumni Weekend.
I'll be the guest speaker for alums, and in honor of that, I've created this GoFundMe campaign. Donations will help to ensure that at least two seniors needing financial assistance will have the monetary resources to make their dream of attending college a reality.
If you're one of my former TA students, I ask that you join me in this campaign. This ask isn't limited to former TA students; if I had the privilege of teaching you at West Indies College (Now Northern Caribbean University, Oakwood College (Now Oakwood University), or Washington Adventist University, this request to help students make it across the academic finish line is for you too!
Here's the good news, everyone is invited to participate in this project. You don't have to have been a student of mine to help with this critical project. Everyone and every dollar counts!
Please give today and help to make a difference in the lives of two excellent Takoma Academy students.
Charles Tapp
Takoma Park, MD
Takoma Academy