Urgent Aid for Animals Affected by Hurricane
Tax deductible
FLASH FUNDRAISER- We are sending a load of hay and supplies to North Carolina Monday. Our goal is $4000 to cover cost of hay and truck/fuel for this trip. Please consider a donation to get this life saving supply to animals in dire need RIGHT NOW. This means so much to a region devastated by hurricane Helene. We can help with your donations.
Truck leaves Saturday Oct 5th in the afternoon.
Traveling from NY to Columbus NC. Hay will be delivered to Dream Haven farm/ Alexa Moran that is distribution center. Project Dynamo is involved in this distribution into hardest hit areas.
Hay is being sourced from NJ at cost of $5.75 bale
Remaining fundraising covers box truck, fuel and supplies including diapers/ formula and first aid supplies.
We will pack up totes to be shipped down with the hay.
Trip will be documented by driver who is a trusted member of the local horse community. She is a professional shipper.
If you have any questions please reach out to us. We are a NY based horse and farm animal rescue 501c3.

Beth Hyman
Montgomery, NY
SquirrelWood Equine Sanctuary Inc.