Urgent Aid for Dina and Donna Rose's Medical Needs
Donation protected
Hi everyone! Our names are Dina and Donna Rose and we are identical twins, 25 years old, both somehow are fighting cancer right now. Donna is in critical condition and has stage 4 anaplastic thyroid cancer, which is a rare and aggressive cancer and one of the world's deadliest diseases. Donna was given 6 months to live and has a 6% chance to survive, which was beyond shocking and devastating to hear she has a terminal diagnosis. She is in a wheelchair chair bound now and an oxygen tank. She has two lemon sized tumors in her throat and it spread to her lymph nodes. Dina has stage 1 of the same in the lymph nodes and neck. It's crazy that when you are an identical twin with the same DNA you have 40% more likely to have it too and that's us somehow. This went undetected for 5 years the doctor said we must have had it. We checked the last two years we went to the doctors 18 times for various ailments and we complained about our throat and dealing with strep throat and the doctors would just say "Oh it's just strep throat or maybe its snoring" and wouldn't thoroughly check. We are also on food stamps and couldn't afford health insurance and our foster mom kicked us off of hers really early so we wouldn't go to the doctor to avoid paying medical bills. Make sure everyone you check your thyroid now especially for women and go to the doctor every year even if it is hard to afford. Thyroid cancer affects a lot of women and men and age 18-29 as well and older.
We wanted to emphasize something, we waited for a long long time before we started a GoFundMe. As soon as we heard Donna had 6 months to live, we spent all of our savings and have been flying to different specialists and doctors because we kept having symptoms or heart attacks and we went to New York Memorial Sloan Cancer Center, Georgetown Medical, Princess Anne in VA Beach, multiple urgent cares and MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas and all of the flights, hotels, Ubers, food, rental cars, medical expenses, our rent at home in San Diego, all started to add up. We are on our last $800 so I was forced to start it at this point. We didn’t have that much to begin with anyway cause we are still in college and our foster care program at our school gives us a scholarship so we live off of that and we don’t have our undergrad yet cause we waited to go to college for a little. We can’t work right now cause we are sick and having heart attacks and need to focus on getting better. Before you donate, what we would actually want and prefer over the donation is just to hang out with you, as simple as it sounds we have been pretty lonely. We have been on day 16 of our cancer journey and we haven't had one person or "friend" visit, and no flowers or card or Sherri's berries, no facetime and no call. We have been really nice to everyone and we get that people get busy in their lives and with work, but we would still love it so much if could come and hangout with us in Virginia at our new place or visit us in Houston. We can laugh, play board games, and talk and have a blast! We are genuinely kind girls who love to laugh. Donna is the life of the party and is the most outgoing, sweet, super funny, and she loves to sing and be super friendly like a puppy! She can talk to anyone and has the brightest sunshine energy. Dina is caring and sweet and likes to be around Donna lol she's the only one I truly trust as a completely nice person. I love Donna because she is so freaking funny and always gives out $20 bills to every homeless person she sees. She can sing like an angel and is super talented and multi faceted. We both love acting, modeling, dancing, music, singing, rapping, laughing, shopping, twerking, clubbing, krumping, going out to see cute guys, writing movie scripts, writing songs, and just being the life of the party! We are genuinely sweet girls and Christian and love God and try to be sweet regardless of how we are treated and show forgiveness. Even if you are a stranger or acquaintance and you could take time to visit us that would really cheer up my sister I know it would! At the hotel I went outside and talked to a bunch of construction workers and they made me laugh and for the first time I felt like I could breathe and be happy again.
I will pay every single donor back and double your donation and tip generously more once we win these major multi million lawsuits against these unlawful hospitals and for you helping us in a time of need. Our mom Gulnar Nazarovna Jumadildayeva, who we grew up in the projects with and slept on mattresses from the dumpster, always told us to never accept handouts and even when she was struggling she wouldn't so we want to repay you back for donating to us. She would be ashamed of us if we took other peoples hard earned money so I will pay you back trust me. You will be generously rewarded for helping us in a time of need while we need it when we were broke and so we have to repay it back and thank you for generosity.
We will be using the donations to get two new wheelchairs because we got one from MD Anderson Cancer center and it is uncomfortable for Donna. We will also use it for more oxygen tanks and to pay for two 24/7 nurses because it was really difficult for me to be the nurse for Donna while I am in a lot of pain as well and she has more pain. We need someone to haul suitcases and drive us around to appointment and talk to lawyers for us. We will also use it to cover legal fees and lawyer fees. We will also use it to cover the very large medical expenses and bills for both of us as MD Anderson Cancer Center is the number one cancer hospital in the world and is very expensive they charge $50,000 to up to $400,000 for chemo and surgeries and there’s two of us. Other cancer go fund mes were $150,000 to $200,000 so we just put $400,000 cause there is two of us with it. We had to go to MD Anderson Cancer Center and we just said to rack it up because we need to save Donna’s life at this point cause she only has 6 months to live. The cancer ruined Donna’s teeth and caused 9 cavities even though we’ve never had a cavity and 3 broken teeth so we need $10,000 to cover her and I’s dental work at Smile Style Dental Studio and she and I both need invisalign the doctors said because her teeth are breaking from her incorrect bite. We also both need contacts and glasses which are $2,000 as our foster mom doesn’t cover that anymore and isn’t helping at all unfortunately and we need to be able to see lol. We ran out of contacts on this trip and I haven’t had new glasses in two years to be honest. This money is also helping us to cover rent, bills, rides, flights to MD Anderson Cancer Center and Virginia and other expenses. I posted on my VSCO my apartment is trying to get us out of there even though we are going through a lot we only have until Sunday. So I have to pay for flights there and back and movers as soon as possible which is $2,500 and to ship our car which is $2,000. It’s annoying because there is two of us we both have to pay double for everything and that is why the go fund me is $400,000 and that isn’t covering everything but hopefully the lawsuits we can start soon. We also need to cover all of the hospital visits bills and medicines we will pay for. This money also has to cover multiple IVF cycles which is $60,000 or more cause unfortunately chemo radiates your eggs as a female and can make you infertile so we have to freeze our eggs and pay for the annual freezing of them if we both want children someday. We both do want children and my sister wants 4 and I wanted 6 because we don’t have family or anyone to rely on we wanted to make our own families big and all live together. We also wanted to pay for a bee hive and try alternative natural methods to cure cancer as Donna discovered that a bee stung her at Camp Highroad in Virginia and she felt better and as crazy as it sounds we looked it up online and there’s a lot of research that bee stings stop the tumor from growing. We are desperate to try anything at this point so I have been taking suggestions from people. MD Anderson also provides every cancer patient with therapists, nutritionists, physical therapy, personal trainers and all of this costs money as well so that’s why the gofundme is a lot. Not trying to take money from people, there is a lot of daunting medical bills over our head just being honest.
Our life was completely changed upside down, we didn't know much about cancer and did not expect to get this terminal diagnosis so young at 25. We were just normal college girls who go to University of Southern California and we both have 4.0 GPAs. We were completely shocked and it has been hard to cope with emotionally. None of our friends knew about cancer and I think it made it hard for people to understand what we are going through. We made a cancer journey Instagram @donnakennarose and @rosetwinsoffical and @dinarose2017soco where we show the raw and real unfiltered sides of someone battling a terminal cancer. We honestly don't care at all if people think it's too much to show or what they say, we want to spread awareness and show what someone actually goes through so people can see what happens to cancer patients. Cancer affects a lot of people. When you have 6 months to live you don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. Donna is going to be sharing way more content on there and life lessons she realized. My VSCO link is tlolipop34 and it has more honest truths on there as well.
This cancer journey all started on August 29th, 2024 when we flew to New York to see Wicked the musical which we love and wanted to see before the movie comes out. Right before we were about to get ready for the Broadway show, Donna had a horrific heart attack. She died and came back to life and I was screaming for help in the hotel that my sister is dying. The New York City EMT took way too long to come and gaslit her that it was just a panic attack even though she was dying and did medical negligence. After that we have been treated very badly and abused at many hospitals from being medically gaslit, not given food or water, no medication to stop her heart attacks, and being held against our will. I wish I was lying but I’m not and I have videos and proof of everything I’m waiting to post until Donna gets out.
Cancer is not just the horrible physical pain from heart attacks, chest hurting, horrible huge lumps in your throat, whole body aching and on fire but the deeply emotional pain having no one to talk to and feeling abandoned by everyone while dealing with that. You would think that if you had cancer people would be way nicer to you, but it's weird that it was the exact opposite. Over these last 16 days we have seen the lowest sides of humanity from "friends". A lot of our close "friends" from our South County high school in Lorton, Virginia and California showed fake support at first and then have left us for dead even though we cried out for help and told them the whole situation. Some of you from South County we never told so we don’t blame you at all. I was walking in the rain after one of the hospitals kicked me out in my socks and I walked for two miles with no shoes on and collapsed and almost died. I asked God for help and then an African American man saw me and helped walk with me and ordered me an Uber.
We considered these "friends" family because we have no family but on our deathbed and in a time of greet need as in life or death situation not one of them showed up and made every excuse they could such as work, when you can easily take off if you someone you know is dying. If you really cared and you would come to your friends and be a good person. They even tried to act like we were crazy when we showed them evidence of what was happening?! That is because they want to deny the abuse that is happening to us two cancer patients and they have too much faith in the American healthcare system and police, when there is a lot of corruption and abuse happening behind closed doors. There are many nice police officers though and I always respect and admire the police for their sacrifice and nurses as well.
These “friends” choose to be ignorant and not listen to the victim and rather side with the abusers, which only further enables the abuse. People try to say your crazy in order to deny the fact that the abuse is happening or because they can’t accept that the abuse is occurring to you because it is too hard for them hear or understand. These "friends" have even accused us of lying and didn't take the time to really listen. They sent mean text messages, hurt us with their words and caused heart attacks for us, blocked, didn't reply and lied when they would come visit, didn't send flowers, and didn't respond when we sent videos of the abuse happening which was almost worse because it really shows you don't care. Some of them went as far to threaten restraining orders which was completely crazy and we showed a lot of other people their messages and everyone agreed that was completely out of line to do to someone with cancer. You all know who you are and God sees how rude you are and that you aren't helping someone when they are sick and dying of a heart attack. It is also illegal for these "friends" to cause emotional distress to my sister. They caused multiple heart attacks for Donna and her phone had to be taken away and completely monitored by the doctors at MD Anderson cause they said she would get another heart attack if someone sent a mean message so they write down the name and number of who says it and they wanted to press charges of involuntary manslaughter because some of the messages were really rude but we had to convince them not to. It deeply hurt us and people showed their true colors and although their lack of humanity and selfishness was extremely hurtful, we decided to give them God's grace and forgiveness. Even when they went extremely low and showed their true character, we still showed them love.
Any human being must help another human being who is dying or having a heart attack or they can face criminal and civil charges. The Native Americans have a saying, step a foot in my moccasins. When your heart rate is 180, your blood pressure 150, and your heart feels like a donkey is kicking it and people treat you like trash the way you made us feel, you will see what I am saying.
Sorry for the some of the ranting, I have a lot of deep pain by the way we were treated and you can tell and I wanted to be honest and warn others. The psychologist at MD Anderson said Donna and I have extreme PTSD as war veterans from everything we have gone through 15 foster homes, homelessness, and cancer. We wanted to pay for therapists and since we don’t have anyone to talk to I think that would really help us be able to express our emotions in a healthy way.
Thank you for all your kind messages and please feel free to blow up Donna’s phone with nice messages and dm her at @donnakennarose and send her flowers and a card or Sherri’s berries please to 8111 Kirby Drive!! It costs nothing to be kind! Thank you so so much!
Organizer and beneficiary
Dina Nazarovna
San Diego, CA
Dana Nazarovna