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Hello, I'm Erin De Cuyper, I have recently noticed that my story is very confusing and people think it may be a scam. Which I totally understand as I have been scammed my self in the past. I want everyone to know that this is not a scam. I'm going to be perfectly honest, I was so worried about how well this will all be written I used chat gtp to help me when I should have just written it from the heart. It may not be perfectly written but it's the truth. I am trying to clear up my story and make it easier to understand. Also, of anyone wants to ask me any questions or ask for proof/documentatuion please feel free to message me on my cell phone, through FB messenger, or you can leave a comment and I will gladly respond. I have a ridiculous amount of people trying to scam me by asking me to cash mobile checks and some telling me they can help me promote but I have to pay them. Please do not contact me with this kind of stuff. I am not a scammer and I can tell when someone is trying to scam me. So please do not contact me unless you are genuine and just wanting to ask questions or for any kind of proof. I am running out of time and desperately needing help.
My son and I were living at my brothers while I was making preparations for my son and I to go live there for a short time. A while back my husband had over stayed his visa and when his father passed away he had to go back. We were unaware that if you don't fill out the correct paperwork and get approved to leave he could get banned from coming back to the US. He was banned for 3 years. I was working 2 jobs and wasn't able to keep things up alone with my son. My son is autistic and the school where we were was not helping him at all. I decided it was best to pack my son and I up and move in with my brother and his family.
After a while my husband and I decided that it would be best that my son and I went to Belgium with him until he could come back to the US. So I started preparing for this by making sure that my sons medical and special educational needs could be met there. My brothers wife and I were not getting along so my brother and I decided it was best that I go stay with a friend in Orlando where I grew up and my son would stay with him while we waited the up to 6 weeks it takes to get my son's passport so he wouldn't have to miss any school and I did not have a car so it would have been difficult. It was not in his best interest to bring him there.
After about 2 weeks of being in Orlando waiting I got a call saying that the state took my son and he was living with his aunt on his father's side. His father had passed away in 2019 from and overdose. I was accused of abandoning him, abusing him, not taking care of his medical and educational needs and all kinds of horrible things that are absolutely not true. Which I could have (and can) provide proof that is not true. But because I wasn't able to make it to the 1st hearing 7 hours away and denied a zoom hearing I was unable to fight the alligations and to do their case plan. I have the proof of doctor and school records that it is all lies. This happend right after my sons GMA and aunt on his dad's side had come to visit him for his birthday. For clarity the aunt and GMA live near Orlando and my brother lives near Pensacola. I believe that my sons GMA and that side are scared they would never see him again if I took him to Belgium which I would never do and never have. I believe that the GMA called child protection services to make it to where I couldn't leave with him.
So there I was trapped in Orlando with no where to stay, I didn't have a job or a car. They wanted me to get a place of my own, a car, and be there for several months and until they can see I am capable of caring for my son. More than likely until January 2024. I was not able to do this alone and seeing I had no where to stay anymore I would be on the streets or in a shelter. That's when my husband paid for a flight to get me to Belgium until we could figure out what to do and wait until he could come back with me to help get a place to live and help while I found a job and was able to apply for assistance and so on. We just recently found out he is not able to come because of a car accident he was in and has to go to physical therapy for his neck and for insure to cover the costs of his injury. Having to continue to pay rent etc in Belgium now we are unable to afford to secure a place to live because it costs so much to secure a place, turn on utilities, and get some form of transportation. He is able to help there after.
Also, I've found a job that I can start as soon as I return to the U.S., but I can't leave Belgium until I have a place to live. Public assistance won't help until I'm there with a job. If I don't get back by mid-September, I could lose my son permanently. The company that has custody of him is call Families First Network located near Pensacola, FL. They are an adoption agency.
I am I desperate need of help to secure a place to live and hopefully find a cheap car to buy or put a down payment on. To get started. My next court date is in October and if the judge does not see anything being done we are at risk of losing each other permanently. He nor I deserve this. If I am there with a place and showing action I have until January for it all to end and the decision made wethee we are going to be okay or lose eachother.
He is not happy where he is and is waiting for me to come get him. We miss eachother so much and I can not let him down. Both of us would be crushed if I am not able to get him back. Words couldn't express how grateful we would be for any help received. I have never had to ask for help before but we are desperate and don't deserve this. If you could please find it in your hearts to help it would mean so much to us. I hope this clears things up a bit. Again, if anyone has any questions or wants any proof please contact me and I will gladly provide you with any information you request. Thank you so much for your time, consideration, and help.
Lastly, basically everywhere I have contacted asks a security deposit and 2 months rent they require plus utilities to be around $3000. If possible the help to get a cheap car or a deposit for one. To get him to school, doctor appts etc. I estimated around $1000 to $4000. Any thing extra would go to a bed for him and other basic needs.
I understand that there are so many other in need of help such as myself. If you are unable to donate it would be just as helpful to help me spread the word that would be amazing. I am trying to help others share their campaign as much as I can as well.
Thank you for listening and your help.
Erin De Cuyper and Artimus
Erin De Cuyper
Milton, FL