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Urgent Help for Sanford Brewery Employees

Donación protegida
Hey guys! So this is a GoFundMe for the staff of Sanford Brewery Company, both the Sanford and Maitland locations! We just had a one-day notice that we are without a job after not being paid for over 4 weeks.

We all really wanted to stick it out since we believed in the company and were hoping for its success, but unfortunately as life goes, they had to make the tough decision to close both locations last minute, and now we are all without a job 2 weeks before bills are due. Any donations that are made will be split between all of SBC workers to help with bills and late fees that have piled up from this month and for next month. We can’t thank the community of Sanford enough for all that you guys have done for us♥️

It has been an absolute pleasure serving you all♥️


Stephanie Morgan
Sanford, FL

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