Urgent Medical help: rebuild-hope-for-my-father's recovery
Donation protected
Arabic and Portuguese translation below:
I am Essam Salem Dib, a Palestinian from Gaza, a student at the Dental School in Algeria. I have been in Gaza since the beginning of the war until last March, and now I am in Algeria, but my family and my injured father are still in Gaza.
My father, Mohammed Salem Dib, who is 45 years old and lives in the northern Gaza Strip, was hit by an F16 rocket on October 9, 2023, resulting in injuries to his skull and brain. Since then, he has suffered from paralysis on the left side of his body and has lost the ability to speak and walk. After more than 180 days, the wound on his skull is still open, requiring regular treatment such as cleaning and sterilization.
He needs urgent surgery to replace the broken bones in his skull, which cannot be obtained in Gaza due to the current situation. Additionally, he requires monthly medication costing $3000.
We are gradually losing my father, and until now he is unaware that we have lost 300 members of the family.
أنا عصام سالم ديب، فلسطيني من غزة، طالب في كلية طب الأسنان في الجزائر. كنت في غزة منذ بداية الحرب وحتى شهر مارس الماضي، والآن أتواجد في الجزائر، ولكن عائلتي ووالدي المصاب في غزة.
أبي، محمد سالم ديب، الذي يبلغ من العمر 45 عامًا ويعيش في شمال قطاع غزة، تعرض لصاروخ F16 في 9 أكتوبر 2023، ما أدى إلى إصابته في الجمجمة والدماغ، و منذ ذلك الحين يعاني من شلل في الجانب الأيسر من جسده وفقدان القدرة على الكلام والمشي. بعد مرور أكثر من 180 يومًا، لا يزال الجرح في الجمجمة مفتوح، مما يتطلب علاجًا منتظمًا مثل التنظيف والتطهير.
يحتاج إلى عملية جراحية عاجلة لاستبدال العظام المكسورة في الجمجمة، والتي لا يمكن الحصول عليها في غزة بسبب الوضع الراهن. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يحتاج إلى أدوية شهرية تكلفتها 3000 دولار.
نحن نفقد أبي تدريجياً، وحتى الآن ليس لديه وعي بأننا
فقدنا 300 من أفراد العائلة.
Eu sou Essam Salem Dib, um palestiniano de Gaza, estudante na Faculdade de Odontologia na Argélia. Estive em Gaza desde o início da guerra até março passado, e agora estou na Argélia, mas minha família e meu pai ferido estão em Gaza.
Meu pai, Mohammad Salem Dib, de 45 anos, residente no Norte da faixa de Gaza, foi atingido por um míssil F16 em 09 de outubro de 2023. A explosão causou lesões no crânio e cérebro e desde então apresenta paralisia do lado esquerdo do corpo e perdeu a capacidade de falar e andar. Após mais de 180 dias, a ferida no crânio mantém-se aberta, requerendo tratamento regulares como limpeza e desinfecção.
Ele precisa de uma cirurgia urgente, nomeadamente para substituição dos ossos do crânio fraturados, sendo que essa operação não está disponível em Gaza devido a situação atual. Além disso, ele precisa de medicamentos mensais no valor de 3000$.
Estamos perdendo meu pai, e até agora ele não tem consciência de que já perdemos 300 membros da família.
Rania Rebbah
São Mamede de Infesta, 13