Urgent Relief for Hadeel's Displaced Family and Daughters
Donation protected

My name is Hadeel Ziad, and I write from Gaza, where my family and I are struggling to survive the hardships of war. I am a graduate of medical analysis, but in Gaza, my recommendations are overshadowed by the harsh reality we face every day.
I have two beautiful daughters who mean the world to me, but the high costs of permanent residency make it almost impossible to afford them. The war has stolen our health, leaving us with no guarantees.
Mother's call for help
I humbly ask for your support to help us get through this difficult time. We need the basics - attractive food and medicinal additives.
These things, which beauty takes for granted, have become the difference between life and death for us.
The war did not force us to survive; The very place we used to call home was destroyed. Our house, once so full of love and memories, is now rubble. The space that did not provide safety for my children no longer exists, and we have nothing left. To reduce along with our home, my ability to provide
The case has crashed. My fairness as a medical analyst is now a help in the face of the dire need for basic survival tools.
A family struggling to survive
Be part of our story
Please, if you purchase, help us through this storm. Your kindness will not only sustain us, but will also give us the strength to cling to hope. And know that the real world is compassionate people, your helper, and Patti can grow in the world showing kindness, even in the darkest times.
With love and gratitude, Hadeel Ziad

Marysville, WA