Urgent: Save my family from genocide in Gaza
Donation protected

I am Mervat abu shaban, a mother of five children: Abdul Nasser, 15 years old, Mohammed, 14 years old, Manal, 13 years old, Judi, 8 years old, Hala, 5 years old, and my husband. We live in the most difficult circumstances of life. There is no water, no food, and not even a place to shelter us. We lack the most basic necessities of life. There are no clothes or blankets, and the weather is extremely cold. We live in a tent with no protection from the cold and winter. We have moved from one place to another in search of a safe place for fear of the continuous and non-stop bombing, but unfortunately there is no safe place. Please help me so that I can feed my children.
Please help me buy medicine and food for my children
Judy suffers from a lack of oxygen, and this causes brain atrophy. Please, do not hold back on them
Thank you for your continued support of me
Whoever saves a life as he saves all mankind
Please help me treat and feed my children
Please, if you see this mail, do not hold back on us
Perhaps this is the message that will help bring my daughter back to life
I beg you please do not leave us
Please. I need your support now more than ever

Here in Gaza we can hardly find anything to eat and everything has become very expensive. We left everything we owned in the north of Gaza, our homes and our belongings. We did not take anything with us to the south. I cannot describe what is happening here of destruction, fear and terror that comes every day and we ask ourselves, will we wake up tomorrow safe and sound?
Please help me as much as you can so that I can get out of this never-ending nightmare. I want to get out of Gaza. They are asking for huge sums of money, and I have nothing of it.
This is not the life we used to live or even wish for. We were fine and did not need anything from anyone, thanks be to God. But circumstances have changed for us and we have become children searching for a loaf of bread and cannot find it.
This is how my children's lives were before the war, filled with joy and happiness. They lacked nothing, thank God. But what we are going through today is something that no mind can imagine. There are no words to describe the situation now. I ask your merciful hearts to donate to my family to save what can be saved. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Mervat Abu shaban