Urgent: Stop Mass Culling of African Street Dogs
Tax deductible
Urgent request for $1000 to save dogs from mass culling on the remote island of Ukurewe on Lake Victoria, Tanzania!
Several rabid dogs were recently discovered on Ukurewe Island. This island has very limited medical access for both people and animals and is only accessible by boat. A request by locals was put out to cull the dog population in response to the rabies outbreak. Our team has intervened and offered to respond, instead, with a 2-day mass rabies vaccination clinic in March. The government of Tanzania has agreed to a temporary stay to the shootings and given African Street Dog Rescue veterinarians 2,000 rabies vaccines - $4000 USD of vaccines! Sadly, it is cheaper to shoot dogs than vaccinate them and we are running out of time! We are now desperately looking for donations to pay for local veterinarians, vet technicians, and volunteers to travel to this remote island in March. In addition to vaccinating 2,000 dogs against rabies - our team will also be able to tend to immediate medical needs of local dogs, offering veterinarian services that are usually not available.
It is only $1000 USD to send a team to Ukurewe Island for a 2-day mass clinic.
Please help the dogs of Ukurewe Island.
Camilla Landon
Watsonville, CA
Little Hill Sanctuary