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Urostomy Patients: STOP THE LEAKING NOW!

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Hi there everyone,
I lost my bladder to cancer about three years ago and for the first two years, I fought incessant leaking issues as most new urostomy patients do. This leaking is a well known issue within the medical community. Medical device manufacturers make & sell lots of products to mitigate leaks. I know... I bought them myself but I was always disappointed in their performance. To my personal knowledge... I know of no manufacturer that makes a product that STOPS the leaking, other than me. I spent two years developing a device that stops the leaking immediately and allows infected skin to heal naturally. I currently have "patent pending" status on my device and am awaiting a full patent before going public with it. I've been leak-free for one full year now. I asked you... if you know of anyone in your life who has lost their bladder and are experiencing leaks... please help me fund the publicity for this device so I can hit the road running when I get my patent and help ALL fellow ostomates world-wide stop this unnecessary leaking and infected skin issue.
Thank YOU!

Spenden (3)

  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • Atrina Lawton
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $250
    • 3 yrs
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Keith Lawton
Gillette, WY

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