U.S. 2020 Census: Write in Hongkonger 美國人口普查:我係香港人
Who are we?
This campaign is initiated by We The Hongkongers , a U.S.-based Hongkonger organization founded in February, sponsored by Project R , a company based in Delaware. It comprises a group of Hongkongers living in the United States who are committed to strengthening the Hongkonger identity and promoting Hong Kong culture in the U.S. We organize this event to address issues pertaining to Hongkongers’ representation in the upcoming 2020 census.
What is Census?
A census is a headcount of a group of people and a form of record keeping. It happens every ten years in the U.S. Households are asked to declare their racial identity in one of the questions. The identities listed under category Asian are Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Other Asian with the option for people to write in their origins of nationality.
Then what?
We The Hongkongers is asking people who identify as Hongkongers to check the ‘other Asian’ box and write in ‘Hongkonger’ if they come from Hong Kong, their family came from Hong Kong, or otherwise have Hong Kong heritage. People do not need to put ‘Hongkonger’ as their only identity. They can check more than one box if they identify as multiple races and ethnicities.
This campaign has four goals:
1) raise awareness of the U.S. 2020 census,
2) encourage Hongkongers' participation in the U.S. civil society,
3) advocate for Hongkonger as a distinct identity, and
4) increase Hongkongers’ representation in U.S. official statistics.
How'd the funds be used?
The raised funds will be used for two purposes. First, we will put advertisements on major social media such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube. We will also advertise in community centers or other public locations where Hongkongers in the U.S. tend to visit. Second, the raised funds will cover the cost of producing promotional materials, including posters, flyers, and merchandise. Some are already done and available on the website: www.wethehongkongers.org/campaign-work
It's urgent!
The Census Bureau has already started mailing out information on how to respond to the 2020 Census. Once households receive it, data collection can begin right away online, by phone, or by mail. Therefore, the funds are needed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Thank you!
We greatly value your contribution. A successful campaign will enhance the accuracy of existing statistics about Hongkongers living in the U.S. This has significant policy implications. With accurate statistics, policymakers will be better informed about the presence of the Hong Kong community in the U.S. The data will serve as a reference for law enforcement and devising government programs. Public and private organizations can also use it to understand the needs of different communities and allocate resources accordingly. It affects education, healthcare, housing, infrastructure, from as little as the workers working in public service of that area, to as big as the schools that are built in the area.
To contribute to this campaign, you can donate as an individual or as an organization. As an expression of gratitude, if you hit a donation milestone, your name or your organization name will be listed on our campaign webpage accordingly.
Donation Milestones:
Contributors $500+ 協作者
Donors $1000+ 捐贈者
Sponsors $2000+ 贊助
Patrons $4000+ 榮譽贊助
You can also contribute anonymously by selecting ‘hide name and comment from everyone but the organizer’ during your payment. If you are paying by credit card, please be aware that your name will be visible to the organizer even if you hide your information from the public.
Once again, We The Hongkongers thank you for your support for our campaign. Your contribution will help us achieve our vision of bringing Hongkongers in the U.S. together as a community. We hope to serve you in the future!
我們是We The Hongkongers,是一個由在美港人組成的團體。組織冀以不同的活動與計劃,在美國宣揚香港本土文化,從而塑造及強化香港人的身份認同。我們發起「2020人口普查:我係香港人」,是針對將屆的美國人口普查。
We The Hongkonger 呼籲所有居住在美國的香港人:無論你是在香港出生、你的家人在香港出生、或者你的家族有香港人的根源,請在人口普查種族一欄選擇「其他亞洲人」,並填上「香港人」或「Hongkonger」。如果您是混血或您認同於多個種族,您可以填選多於一個選項。
籌得的款項有兩種用途。首先,我們會在主要的社交媒體如Google、Facebook及YouTube上登廣告,亦會在社區中心、餐廳等港人聚首的地方宣傳。此外,籌得款項會用於印刷宣傳單張和海報,以及製作有關本會的紀念商品。我們已經弄好部分的文宣,在www.wethehongkongers.org/campaign-work 上可供下載。
Donation Milestones:
Contributors $500+ 協作者
Donors $1000+ 捐贈者
Sponsors $2000+ 贊助
Patrons $4000+ 榮譽贊助