Campaign is finished. Thanks!
July 18, 2015: Our thanks to everyone who supported this campaign. We were unable to raise enough money to produce our film but that does not mean your support will be for naught. We will be in touch soon with all our supporters to share with you our plans for a new venture and a description of how your support will be used as seed money towards that venture. So stay tuned!
From June 2012:
User Friendly Vegas (UFV) is a documentary project exploring Universal Design, a concept that says human environments should be built for diversity and shaped to our needs as a whole. Make the world a nice place to visit by designing for everyone.
Las Vegas, NV is a unique case, where almost all major buildings have been built since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Yet Vegas still has barriers to mobility. By exploring why this is so, we believe we can demonstrate how legal remedies, while needed, are not enough. We need new ways to think. We need new ways to act.
This feature-length film will be informative and entertaining. After all, this is Vegas, baby! We will capture the flavor of our hometown and show you what it is like to live in one of the world's leading playgrounds.
Currently, we are raising money to do pre-production, including equipment upgrades, story-boarding, licenses and permits and seed money to seek out more extensive funding for the film itself.
We need at least $5,000 to do this, but we also have a goal of one thousand (1000) supporters so we can show potential backers that there is, indeed, interest for this film. If you cannot contribute the minimum $5 here, consider contributing a $1 or $2, so we can count you among the 1000 supporters.
We believe we are in a unique position to explore this case because we live and work in Las Vegas and we are persons with disabilities who have experienced the barriers to mobility that exist here.
For more information on the project go to the User Friendly Vegas website. For more information about us, go to our website, SINdustry CITY.
Also, thanks to Pearlsong Press for providing copies of Taking Up Space to supporters.
Our designs can be found at our SINdustry CITY Gift Shop.
Thank you for your support,
Carl & Pattie