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IVF treatment

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Me and Louise have just had some bad news ! After trying for years for a baby but suffering multiple miscarriages and 1 ectopic pregnancy has resulted in us not being able to naturally conceive without IVF. Unfortunately we don’t qualify for IVF treatment on the NHS so I am doing something which I really didn’t want to do but I will put my pride to one side and ask if any of you lovely people would maybe make a small donation to us making a start on treatment.
i have been talking to a few friends and they said why not start a go fund me page but I said no straight away as don’t want to seem like I’m begging, but after thinking about it and putting my pride to one side just thought maybe it would help and would be worth a try . treatment is £5000 so thought if could maybe even raise a couple of hundred quid and put a dent in the total cost it would be a massive help .
we are making drastic cutbacks to raise this money , cutting out all luxuries as well.

I would never normally ask anyone for anything but pride put to one side me and Louise are dying to have our own baby and sooner we can start treatment the better . If any of you reading this could donate anything at all no matter how small the amount is we would be so so grateful and you can all be god parents lol



  • Kelly Duncan
    • £20
    • 5 d
  • Zoe Bennett
    • £25
    • 29 d
  • Anonym
    • £25
    • 1 mo
  • Kelly Harland
    • £5
    • 1 mo
  • Irene Beer
    • £25
    • 1 mo


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