I Dream of the Passage!
Donation protected
I Dream of The Passage!
In June 2015, The Poet’s Passage raised $60,000 to save it from closing its doors.
In less than one month, family, and friends of the Passage, came together to show how important The Poet’s Passage truly is.
Since then, I’ve been paying that kindness forward by helping strangers, friends, and poets (in small doses when I can). The love given, continues to move as it was received. Thank you.
I imagine what could have been done with that money.
Had I that type of support for the Passage itself, the money would grow right here, benefiting more people.
For example, the goal of the Poetry Museum, the publishing house, the art gallery spaces for determined artist, everything down to fixing the skylight upstairs (as ordered by the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture 4 years ago). I promised I would. I still will.
The waiting game is very heavy work.
Yet, when that time comes, the skylight is going to have a true wow! factor, creating even more pride in the hearts of young poets, visitors, and friends.
A creative, poetic atmosphere.
But, I don’t want to be The Old Lady and the Sea.
The Poet’s Passage is financially responsible for over 1.5 million dollars.
That’s not including my list of things to do:
Get professionals to design my idea for the skylight arquitectural installation.
Review construction plans with working calendar.
Focus on opening the gallery/museum space.
Replace, and renew all utilities.
Restore floors.
Get a structural engineering report and assessment.
Install elevator.
Hire more people!
Publish poets. (This should be up higher on my list. lol)
Hopefully, I’ll get to 10 million dollars before you know it. —a girl can dream.
Humor aside; The Poet’s Passage next year will be 10 years old. That’s amazing! We have endured with hard work and dedication. An accomplishment, we proudly, earned by hand.
The Poet’s Passage is a lot more, and I’m determined to show you.
Help us, if you can.
Thank you,
Poet Lady Lee Andrews
P.S. For further information, please read all previous post.
In June 2015, The Poet’s Passage raised $60,000 to save it from closing its doors.
In less than one month, family, and friends of the Passage, came together to show how important The Poet’s Passage truly is.
Since then, I’ve been paying that kindness forward by helping strangers, friends, and poets (in small doses when I can). The love given, continues to move as it was received. Thank you.
I imagine what could have been done with that money.
Had I that type of support for the Passage itself, the money would grow right here, benefiting more people.
For example, the goal of the Poetry Museum, the publishing house, the art gallery spaces for determined artist, everything down to fixing the skylight upstairs (as ordered by the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture 4 years ago). I promised I would. I still will.
The waiting game is very heavy work.
Yet, when that time comes, the skylight is going to have a true wow! factor, creating even more pride in the hearts of young poets, visitors, and friends.
A creative, poetic atmosphere.
But, I don’t want to be The Old Lady and the Sea.
The Poet’s Passage is financially responsible for over 1.5 million dollars.
That’s not including my list of things to do:
Get professionals to design my idea for the skylight arquitectural installation.
Review construction plans with working calendar.
Focus on opening the gallery/museum space.
Replace, and renew all utilities.
Restore floors.
Get a structural engineering report and assessment.
Install elevator.
Hire more people!
Publish poets. (This should be up higher on my list. lol)
Hopefully, I’ll get to 10 million dollars before you know it. —a girl can dream.
Humor aside; The Poet’s Passage next year will be 10 years old. That’s amazing! We have endured with hard work and dedication. An accomplishment, we proudly, earned by hand.
The Poet’s Passage is a lot more, and I’m determined to show you.
Help us, if you can.
Thank you,
Poet Lady Lee Andrews
P.S. For further information, please read all previous post.
Organizer and beneficiary
Lady Andrews
San Juan, PR
Lady Lee Andrews